摘 要
本系统是按照软件工程的要求,用ASP(Active Server Page)编制的“就业中心网站”。此系统采用当前流行的网页动态编程技术,对HTML的基本操作和ASP的各内置对象及ASP与数据库的连接使用有所涉及。此系统能适用于网络上一般的求职招聘的需要。对于不同的用户,可分为个人求职和公司招聘,使之具有不同的权限。
ASP ACCESS数据库 求职招聘系统 求职个人 招聘公司
According to the request of the software engineering, ASP(the Active Server Page) is used in this system "seeking a job and inviting for a job on the net".The system adopts dynamic programming technique of the web page currently, involving basic operation of HTML and each inside object of ASP and usage of conjuncting ASP to the database.This system is applicable to “seeking a job and inviting for a job on the net” generally. The system is divided into seeking job of personal and inviting of company for the different customer , and make it have different legal power.
In the entrance provided by system to the customer, the customer registers to go into a related main page.Person seeking for a job can establish personal data, publish information for seeking a job, search a department of inviting for the job, send out a letter to the department for seeking the job, checking and accept company acceptance information etc.. A department can establish the data of company after enter the main page, publish the information for jobs, search the information of the person seeking jobs, compare the information after first step of admitting personal applicaton, then accepte the person formally, send out a letter to the person, check and accept personal information for seeking job etc..
ASP ACCESS database system of inviting for a job
job-hunter job-offering corporaton
摘 要... 1
Abstract. 2
目录... 3
一 绪论... 3
1.1问题的提出... 4
二 系统概述... 6
2.1 本系统主要完成的功能... 6
2.2 系统预览图... 6
三 系统需求分析... 7
四 系统设计和架构... 8
4.1 系统设计思想... 8
4.2 系统结构设计... 8
4.3 系统功能模块细分... 9
4.4 数据库的设计、生成与配置... 9
4.5 公用模块的编写... 14
4.6 个人用户界面设计... 29
4.7 企业用户界面设计... 45
五 总结... 47
六 致谢... 47
七 参考文献... 48
一 绪论