摘 要
整个设计适用于Internet发布,后台为服务器端的MS Access2000数据库,前台使用ASP技术设计网页。系统的操作简单方便,界面美观。
关键词: ASP;远程试验室系统;ADO
This system is the development but design that the basis modernizes the campus of according to the medical treatment machine and food colleges of the mode of B/ S- Long range laboratory system.
The system mainly divides the line to two mold pieces:The student manages to manage the mold piece with teacher.The different legal power customer debarkation can carry on the different operation behind.Student's customer then can look in to experiment the contents and request, handing over to experiment the report, modifying personal data etc.;Teacher's customer can carry on arrange to experiment, the management experiment, check to look for and search the student to spread up on trial report, class management,personal data management etc..
The whole design is applicable to the Internet to release, backstage for the database of MS Access2000 that server carry, the stage usage ASP technique design web page.The operation of the system is in brief convenient, interface beauty.
This text is divided into the introduction, viability assessment, the need analysis, program design and realization, tests and codes several part of main contentses of etc., detailed introduced this teaching exchanges system from sign the key problem that the item long range laboratory system website that keeps to the born function to the concrete implement involve and thin turn to carry out the process in of concrete carry out the method.
Keywords: ASP; Long range laboratory system; ADO
摘 要... 1
Abstract. 2
1.绪论... 4
1.1 设计的背景和意义... 4
1.2 教学交流系统的目标... 4
2. 开发工具简介... 5
2.1 ASP简介... 5
2.1.1 ASP的背景[1] 5
2.1.2 运行 ASP 所需的环境[2] 6
2.1.3 Active Server Pages特性[3] 7
2.2 Access2000简介[4] 9
3.系统的可行性研究和需求分析[5] 11
3.1 可行性研究... 11
3.1.1 可行性研究的任务... 11
3.1.2 对本系统的可行性研究... 11
3.2 需求分析... 12
3.2.1 需求分析的任务... 12
3.2.2 对本系统的综合要求... 12
4. 系统设计... 13
4.1 系统目标设计... 13
4.2 系统功能分析与设计... 13
4.3 数据库的设计与实现... 14
4.3.1 数据库的需求分析... 14
4.3.2 数据库的逻辑设计... 14
5.系统具体功能实现... 16
5.1 后台数据库的配置... 16
5.2 安装PWS(Personal Web Server)[6] 16
5.2.1 在Windows98中安装PWS. 16
5.2.2 测试PWS. 17
5.3 系统公用页面... 17
5.4 登陆页面... 20
5.5 注册页面... 22
5.6 学生管理页面... 25
5.7 上传试验报告... 26
5.8 试验布置模块... 27
5.9 网站的维护... 28
6.系统测试... 29
结论... 30
致谢... 31
参考文献... 32
1.1 设计的背景和意义
随着Internet/Intranet和Web技术的迅猛发展,上网用户已不仅仅满足于浏览静态的网页内容,而更希望通过人机对话的动态交互方式获取所需信息;而对于Web开发者来说, 静态网页也存在占用磁盘空间多、信息内容分散、维护更新困难等问题。因此,在Web上使用动态交互网页发布信息已是众望所归。
1. 运作成本低
2. 方便师生交流
1.2 教学交流系统的目标