摘 要
设计策略方面分别从教学策略(教学,指导策略)结合网站设计策略(交互、导航、资源选择等策略)两方面进行分析,分别体现了网络课件“课件”与“网络”的属性。而对于开发过程的论述又是从开发流程的设计和各个流程的实施两方面进行的,从网站的整体结构出发,依据教学目标和教学内容对模块进行划分,根据教学网页的设计原则对各个模块的页面进行设计,在其的设计中主要运用了Macromedia Dreamweaver MX、Macromedia Flash MX、 Microsoft SQL2000数据库系统、ASP等开发工具进行具体的开发与制作、测试与优化。几经修改在一定程度上达到课件的网页保持统一的风格和操作界面;控制功能、操作方法符合常规习惯;表现形式生动活泼、色彩和谐、页面布局合理的效果。能较好的使用于 “计算机图形学”课程的网络教学。
关键词:计算机图形学;网络课件;Dreamweaver MX;Flash MX;数据库;ASP
With the computer network technology, multimedia technology and the development of information education, stand-alone software of CAI has significantly lags behind the time, the network of Hypermedia Courseware for the growing demand. This article is the "Computer Graphics" teaching on the web development process.
Design strategies from the teaching strategies (teaching, guiding strategy) combined with web design strategy (interaction, navigation, resources, strategies selection) analysis of two aspects, namely, network courseware embodies the "software" and "network" of the property. As for the discussion of the development process is the development of flow from the design and implementation of the various processes carried out by both sides, from the overall structure of the website, the goal based on the teaching content and teaching division of the modules, in accordance with the principles of teaching the design of web pages for each module page design, design in its main use of Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, Macromedia Flash MX, Microsoft SQL2000 database system, ASP and other development tools for specific development and production, testing and optimization. After a certain extent, modify courseware to meet the style of the page to maintain and operate a unified interface; control functions, methods of operation in line with the established practice; lively expressions, color harmony, the effect of page layout and reasonable. Can be better used in "Computer Graphics" of the network teaching curriculum.
Key words: computer graphics; Dreamweaver MX;Flash MX; Database; ASP
目 录
1 网络课件概述... 4
1.2 网络课件特点... 4
1.3 多媒体网络课件的类型... 6
2. ASP概述... 7
2.1 ASP介绍... 7
2.2 IIS的安装与配置... 8
3. SQL 概述... 9
3.1 简介... 9
3.2 SQL发展历史... 10
3.3 SQL server简介... 11
4、系统功能概述... 12
4.1后台管理具体描述如下:... 12
4.2 功能模块划分... 13
4.3 数据库的设计... 13
4.4目录结构与通用模块... 16
4.5管理主界面与登录程序设计... 17
4.6 前台浏览页面的设计... 24
5 结束语... 30
参考文献... 31
致 谢... 32
1 网络课件概述
1.1 网络课件含义
根据使用工具的不同课件有两种主要形态:CBT和WBT,即computer-based training(基于计算机的培训)和web-based training(基于网络的培训),前者就是常说的本地版或光盘版,而后者就是常说的网络版,即网络课件。