目 录
摘 要. I
Abstract II
目 录. III
1. 文献综述与理论基础. 1
1.1 ASP 简介... 1
1.1.1 ASP的技术特点... 1
1.1.2 ASP方法与传统静态主页的区别... 2
1.1.3 ASP与组件对象的使用... 2
1.2 ADO简介... 4
1.3 脚本语言简介... 5
1.3.1 VBScript 5
1.3.2 Jscript 6
1.4 ASP与JSP、PHP的比较... 6
1.4.1 ASP. 6
1.4.2 JSP. 7
1.4.3 PHP. 8
1.5 数据库的基本概念... 9
1.5.1 数据库系统的类型... 9
1.5.2 数据库系统的结构... 9
2. 概 述. 11
2.1 设计目的... 11
2.2 设计方法... 11
2.3 设计思想... 11
3. 需求分析. 12
3.1 背景概述... 12
3.2 可行性分析... 12
3.3 系统分析... 12
4. 总体设计. 14
4.1 数据库设计... 14
4.1.1 数据库的逻辑设计... 14
4.1.2 后台数据库的配置... 15
4.2 模块设计... 16
5. 详细设计. 18
5.1 主页面... 18
5.2 后台登录页面... 18
5.3 财务公开页面... 20
5.4 软件下载页面... 20
结束语. 22
致 谢. 23
参考文献. 24
附 录. 25
附 录C 39
摘 要
灵石县财政局网站设计是严格按照软件工程的模式来进行设计, 使用了ASP技术并采用Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 作为设计工具,后台的数据库使用Access创建,并使用了ADO方法来访问数据库。
关键词:ASP; ADO; 快速原型法
The department of finance website design that works properly stone County is strict to carry on the design according to the mode of the software engineering, using the technique of ASP to combine 2004 conduct and actions design tools of the adoption Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, the database usage Access of the backstage establish, and used the method of ADO to come to visit to ask the database.
Work properly the design method of the department of finance website of stone County a lot of, but make use of the design of ASP better.But this graduation design be hope to pass the technique of ASP to develop a hand over with each other the function is stronger of management system.The system uses the fast prototype method to carry on the design, mainly carrying out the customer to browse to manage two molds piece with managing person, department of finance the managing person can carry on the management and maintenance to the website, the customer can check related information etc. of the website.After system release, the managing person or customer can pass the management of Web and the interview databases, designing thus since be advantageous to the convenient operation that customer browse, also be advantageous to the managing person's valid management.And the script that have already code while circulate from the script engine decoding, increase the safety of the system.
In fine, this dynamic state is interactive to work properly the department of finance website of stone County to have the information of management, release the information and browse the dynamic state management function of information, having the very big exaltation in managing the efficiency, coming to a to design the purpose basically.
Keywords: ASP; ADO; Prototyping Method