摘 要
学生选课系统是典型的信息管理系统,本系统是根据现代化校园的发展而设计的基于ASP的学生选课管理系统,本系统可以方便学生选课和学校对于学生的管理。该系统可以实现全校学生信息在线查询,还可以对新来的学生信息进行信息录入等。由于学生上课情况复杂,可以实现信息修改,及时调整学生的基本情况。该系统架构是基于Web的B/S结构,系统环境是基于Windows XP Server 的IIS,以Microsoft access 2003 为后台数据库,以ASP为主要开发工具。
关键词 选课系统 ;ASP ;IIS;Microsoft access 2003
Student Elective System is typical of the information management system, The system is based on the modern campus design and development of the ASP-based students Course Management System .The system would enable students to classes and schools for students of management. The system is capable of achieving all the student information online inquiries, but also for the new information to the students for information input. As students of the school complex, can achieve change information, timely adjustment of the basic situation of the students. The system architecture is based on Web B/S structure, system environment is based on the Windows 2003 server IIS, Microsoft access to 2003 background database to ASP as the main development tool.
Elective students mainly students complete management and operation of two administrators, including student registration, student information inquiries, student information changes; The curriculum also includes registration, course information changes, the curriculum inquiries; students can conduct classes, re-election, withdraw from the election; Administrators can complete courses for students and information can also change the password changes.
Firstly, the system is a brief overview, including system-building objectives, the system involves problems and solutions the operating environment, development tools and the functional characteristics. Followed by the exposition of the system demand analysis of the system of functional requirements and performance needs. Finally, system descriptions of the database structure as well as system design and function of a detailed briefing.
Keywords: Elective System; ASP; IIS; Microsoft access 2003
目 录
绪论... 1
1 系统概述... 2
1.1 系统建设目标... 2
1.2 系统涉及的问题及解决方案... 2
1.3 系统的运行环境... 3
1.3.1 系统要求... 3
1.3.2 系统编程环境的选择... 3
1.3.3 数据库管理系统的选择... 3
2 系统需求分析... 4
2.1 系统功能的需求分析... 4
2.2 系统结构... 4
2.3 系统可行性分析... 6
2.3.1 系统经济可行性分析... 6
2.3.2 系统技术可行性分析... 7
2.3.3 系统操作可行性分析... 7
2.4 系统的综合要求... 7
2.4.1 系统的功能要求... 7
2.4.2 系统的性能要求... 8
3 系统概要设计... 9
3.1 系统功能模块划分... 9
3.2 系统功能简述... 9
3.2.1 学生管理... 9
3.2.2 课程管理... 9
3.2.3 系统管理... 10
3.3 数据库设计... 10
3.3.1 数据库需求分析... 11
3.3.2 数据库概念结构设计... 11
3.3.3 数据表设计... 12
4 系统详细设计... 14
4.1 登录界面设计... 14
4.2 选课页面设计... 15
4.3 管理员维护页面设计... 17
4.3.1 注册页面设计... 18
4.3.2 修改页面设计... 20
4.3.3 查询页面设计... 21
4.3.4 超级用户页面设计... 22
4.4 系统安全性分析... 23
4.4.1 系统安全隐患分析... 23
4.4.2 系统提高安全性的方法... 24
5 测试设计... 26,
结 束 语... 27
致 谢... 28
参考文献... 29
绪 论