摘 要
关键词:图像编码 图像浏览 图像压缩 设计模式 框架设计
In the middle of the 1980’s, with the development of the hardware and computer device, graphic technology and multimedia technology are developing more and more quickly. The contents which computers are able to process extend from the single style of characters to the motivation, sound, video and graphics. Nowadays, with the aid of the Internet, graphic technology and image manipulation are easily bringing into play in our daily life. This paper detailedly describes the generation and the development of the image technology and graphics technology; analyses the relations of the perception medium, representation medium, presentation medium, storage medium and the transmission medium; discourses upon the key point, developing technology and the application prospect. This paper is based on the graphic system, which is developed by the author. It not only dissertates the common procedure, patterns and technical points in developing of the software. But also it discussed the coding, format exchange and data compressing in the graphics. This graphic system exercises lots of design patterns and software engineering methods and solves the problems of cohesion and coupling. It achieves the extendibility and usability of software. All above especially the design pattern are depicted in the paper. Meanwhile the paper introduces the popular formats of pictures and with the analysis of this graphic browsing system; we discuss the framework of this system and some key codes such as BMP converting to AVI. There are 16 main parts in the paper. In each part, we discourse and explain on the history, development and exploitation of the related technology.
Key words:image coding image browsing image compressing design pattern
framework design
目 录
摘 要... I
Abstract II
目 录... III
引 言... 1
第1章 图像技术概述... 2
1.1 图像技术的发展... 2
1.2 图像技术的基本概念... 2
1.2.1 图片格式... 2
1.2.2 图片分辨率... 3
1.2.3 RGB与CMYK. 4
1.2.4 色彩位数... 5
1.2.5 Pixel与DPI. 5
1.2.6 FM网屏技术... 5
1.3 图像技术的应用... 6
第2章 开发工具与系统界面设计... 8
2.1 开发工具的选择... 8
第3章 图像的编码与解码... 9
3.1 经典图像编码技术... 9
3.2 第二代编码技术... 10
3.3 编码技术的标准化... 11
3.4 编码技术的发展方向... 13
3.5 解码技术及本系统实例... 13
3.5.1 关于MPEG的解码的介绍... 13
第4章 屏幕截取及部分屏幕截取... 20
4.1 整个屏幕截取及实现... 20
4.2 部分屏幕截取及实现... 21
第5章 图像压缩... 25
5.1 有损压缩与无损压缩... 25
5.2 压缩编码压缩概述... 26
5.3 压缩编码的方法... 26
5.6 LZW算法... 30
5.7 JPEG编码标准... 31
5.8 本系统中利用JPEG编码实现压缩... 35
第6章 图像的局部放大技术及实现... 37
6.1 实用价值... 37
6.2 算法原理... 37
6.3 实现步骤... 37
6.4 技术剖析... 41
第7章 本系统中的设计模式... 43
7.1 什么是模式... 43
7.2 模式的作用... 45
7.3 模式的解决的问题... 47
7.4 本系统中使用的模式... 48
结 论... 51
参考文献... 52
谢 辞... 53