摘 要
With the high-speed development of mobile communication, message is getting more and more close to our daily life because of its high efficiency, bottom cost, simplicity, convenience and security, /etc. The combination of message and Internet technology will become a new trend in this /era. First of all, Analyzed the development circumstance of the physical distribution and the development background of the system, moreover, a simple introduction to the technique that the system development adopted will be carried on; And then, a series of actions will be taken to the message platform system of the physical distribution for analysis, such as requirements analysis,demarcation of the function module and database designment /analysis. After that, the designment of the database model and system frame will come out from those analysis; Finally, the dissertation describes the detailed design and the realization of function module in this system, a detailed analysis to the key source code which related to the function module will be carried on /too. The result of system expresses that: The message platform system of the physical distribution is powerful enough to satisfy the requirements of customer、 transporting personnel and senior administrator, to complete a series of operations such as the customer shopping and send the order, the transporting personnels receive order by mobile message and deliver merchandises, the administrators maintains the data and so /on.
The Logistics message platform is accomplished by using the struts framework model and such research instruments as Myeclipse, JSP, SQLserver2000,etc. It is powerful, interface friendly , portability and has huge potential for further /research.
According to general logistics message platform’s characteristic of administrative system, it can be divided into front desk and /backstage. The front desk is mainly user -oriented, which has realized the such functions as the users log-in, registration ,personal information revision, purchase, order and suit /cases. ect; The backstage is for the /administrator. It is powerful, and its main tasks are the administrators log-in, regional information management, information management of vehicle and goods,check users information such as their total order and /complains. Thus finalize the business achievement based on the corresponding analysis and /statistics.
Keywords: JSP; Struts; database; Message platform of the logistics
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目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1物流短信平台概述 1
1.1.1物流的发展 1
1.2 系统开发的背景 2
1.3 系统技术简介 2
1.3.1 Struts技术简介 2
1.3.2 SQL Server 2000技术简介 3
1.4 小结 4
第2章 系统设计 5
2.1 系统模型分析 5
2.2 系统面临的问题 6
2.3 现行解决的方法 6
2.4 可行性分析 7
2.5 小结 8
第3章 系统需求分析 9
3.1 市场需求分析 9
3.2 系统总体分析 10
3.3 系统的UML活动图描述 10
3.3.1 活动图简介 10
3.3.2 系统业务网络部分流程 11
3.4 系统功能分析 11
3.5 系统功能总体框架 12
3.5.1 功能模块简介 12
3.5.2 系统整体文件架构 13
3.6 小结 13
第4章 数据库设计与实现 14
4.1 数据库的设计思想 14
4.2 数据库模型的设计与实现 14
4.2.2 系统实体联系模型 16
4.2.3 数据表结构 18
4.3 小结 20
第5章 系统设计与实现 21
5.1 系统整体布局 21
5.1.1 Web.xml文件配置 21
5.1.2 Struts-config.xml文件配置 22
5.2 数据库连接的设计与实现 23
5.3 系统登录界面 24
5.4 用户模块详细设计与实现 26
5.4.1 用户总体界面 26
5.4.2 用户购物模块设计 27
5.4.3 发送订单模块设计 29
5.4.4 发送短信模块设计 31
5.5 管理员模块详细设计与实现 33
5.5.1 管理员后台界面 33
5.5.2 销售分析模块设计 34
5.5.3 客户排行模块设计 35
5.5.4 车辆管理模块设计 37
5.6 小结 39
第6章 系统测试 40
6.1 系统测试简述 40
6.1.1 系统测试目的 40
6.1.2 系统测试需求环境 40
6.2 系统测试详细内容 41
6.2.1 系统前台测试 41
6.2.2 系统后台测试 42
6.3 系统测评结果分析 43
结 论 44
参考文献 45
致 谢 46