关键词: 移动短信交易 管理信息系统 面象对象 数据库 JSP应用
摘 要
本系统的开发主要使用Java Web技术,采用J2EE中最经典的MVC模式,基于JSP技术 和 Servlet进行页面设计和控制页面跳转,以JavaScript作为脚本语言。数据库采用Oracle数据库,对数据库的访问通过JDBC来完成。并且使用当前最流行的开发工具Eclipse,总体基于B/S结构,采用Http通信协议,使用Tomcat作为Web服务器。
We are be placed in for an ages which work feeling to pay attention to an efficiency and the information-based management have become inevitable /trend. This system's main aim at on-line bank of realization, develop a set of move service system, for customer of move the business carry on operation, is very convenience, /convenience. So not only exaltation the customer carry out various move business of efficiency, also economy move service of related cost expense, so on-line service already a great deal of get /universality.
This system is divided into two greatest molds a /piece. A part is customers' operate system, one the part is an operator /system. Customers' operate system can completion: Customer debarkation, words fee search, telephone card importation money, message search, SP business search, modification password, withdraw debarkation etc /function. The operator operate system is main can completion: The account-open, customer of the operator debarkation, customer sell a door, customer a words fee importation money, SP business inauguration/close, message business statistics, SP business statistics, operator management, modification password, withdraw debarkation etc /function.
Develop of this system main usage Java Web technique, adoption J2EE in most the MVC mode of classic, carry on a page design according to the JSP technique and the servlet and control the page jump to turn and use JavaScript as script /language. The database adoptioned Oracle’s software visit database to pass JDBC to the /completion. And usage current most popular of development tool Eclipse, total according to B/S structure, adoption Http correspondence agreement, use Tomcat as a Web /server.
Pass on the stage, backstage mold the design of the piece, basically
Realization all move business of related /operation. Interface possibly of humanization, leave benignity, humanization to the person one /felling. The whole structure of interface is clear, the each function mold piece be obvious, operation /convenience. To the function of each mold piece son in the process of realization still existence blemish, at later of the study the development the process continuously of /perfect.
Keyword: Move the message trade Management information system
Noodles elephant object Database JSP application
[1] 朱福喜,唐晓君。Java 程序设计技巧与开发[M]。北京:人民邮电出版社
[2] 徐迎晓。Java 安全性编程实例[M]。北京:清华大学出版社
[3] 陆迟。Java 程序设计语言[M]。北京:电子工业出版社
[4] 谭浩强。Java 语言程序设计[M]。北京:清华大学出版社
[5] 辛运帏,饶一梅,张钧。Java 程序设计[M]。北京:清华大学出版社
目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract III
1 项目概述 1
1.1现系统的概述 1
1.2 组织机构及业务范围 2
1.3 业务流程描述 3
1.4 现系统存在的问题及薄弱环节分析 6
2 需求分析 7
2.1 总体目标 7
2.2 具体目标 7
2.2.1 手机用户操作部分 7
2.2.2 操作员操作部分 7
2.3 系统功能建模 8
2.3.1 数据流程图 8
2.3.2 数据字典 10
2.4 系统数据模型 13
2.4.1 数据库逻辑设计E-R图 14
3 系统设计 17
3.1 体系结构图 17
3.2 接口设计 18
3.2.1外部接口 18
3.2.2内部接口 19
3.3 数据库设计 19
3.3.1 数据库的完整性 19
3.3.2 数据库的安全性 19
3.3.3 数据字典 20
3.4 运行设计 22
3.5出错处理 23
3.5.1 JSP的中文乱码问题 23
3.5.2 数据库的驱动问题 24
4 功能模块设计 25
4.1 系统总体功能模块 25
4.2 客户操作系统功能模块 25
4.2.1 客户登陆模块 26
4.2.2 话费余额查询模块 26
4.2.3 充值卡充值模块 26
4.2.4 短信查询模块 27
4.2.5 SP业务查询模块 27
4.2.6 修改密码模块 27
4.2.7 退出登陆模块 27
4.3 管理员操作系统功能模块 27
4.3.1 管理员登陆模块 28
4.3.2 短信业务统计模块 28
4.3.3 SP业务统计模块 29
4.3.4 管理操作员模块 29
4.3.5 用户开户模块 29
4.3.6 注销用户模块 29
4.3.7 用户缴费模块 29
4.3.8 开通/停止SP业务模块 30
4.3.9 修改密码模块 30
4.3.10 退出登陆模块 30
5 详细系统设计 31
5.1 程序设计思想 31
5.2 程序设计语言 32
5.3 数据库连接的建立 33
5.4 各子系统程序设计 34
5.4.1 客户操作系统设计 34
5.4.2 管理员操作系统设计 39
6 编码 44
6.1 概述开发工具及编程脚本 44
6.1.1 WEB服务器简介 44
6.1.2 JSP简介 44
6.1.3 DreamWeaverMX的特点 45
6.2 脚本习惯说明 46
6.3脚本 46
7 软件系统测试 51
7.1 软件测试的目的和原则 51
7.2 测试用例 52
7.3 软件测试结论 52
7.3.1 软件能力 52
7.3.2 软件的缺陷与限制 53
7.4 建议 53
8 结 论 54
参考文献 55
致 谢 56
附录A英文译文 57
附录B英文原文 71
附录JAVA程序清单 86