摘 要
Enter since 21 centuries, network of unprecedented develop brought for the people's work and lifes tremendous of convenience, the information-based construction has already become head of the economy luck camp cost, the exaltation work efficiency's choose.Compare under, the out-patient service workflow of the medium small hospital of the local equal quantity still adopts the opposite and conservative handicraft work method, the data information the search and saving cost is higher, but the efficiency is very lowly.
The hospital out-patient service reserves the system is the typical hospital information system( HIS), it mainly develop the establishment and maintenances and head application procedures of include the backstage databases develop two aspects.Request to build up a data consistency and integrities for the former strong, the database that safety like;But then request to have the applied procedure function to the latter complete, easy usage etc. characteristics.
This system usage JSP+ MYSQL, the design develops the hospital out-patient service to reserve the system.The data that passes the network exchanges to carry out the patient the information management, doctor the information management, the backstage management etc. a work, thus raise the medical treatment section to reserve the work efficiency and the quantity in the process in the out-patient service.This thesis detailed introduction hospital out-patient service reserves the development process of the system.
Keywords: The information management;The out-patient service reserve;JSP;MYSQL
目 录
1 引 言.... 6
2 相关理论技术.... 8
2.1 Java Server Page 简介.... 8
2.2 Mysql简介.... 8
3 用户需求分析.... 11
3.1 用户角色需求.... 11
3.2 功能需求.... 11
3.2.1 注册功能.... 11
3.2.2 病人信息管理功能.... 12
3.2.3 医生功能.... 12
3.2.4管理功能.... 12
3.3 性能需求.... 12
4 医院门诊预约系统的设计.... 13
4.1 设计思路.... 13
4.2 总体框架.... 13
4.2.1 系统管理员功能.... 13
4.2.2 普通用户功能.... 14
4.2.3 系统E-R图.... 15
4.3 数据库设计.... 16
5 详细设计.... 19
5.1 用户登陆模块.... 19
5.2 医生登录模块.... 21
5.3 病人管理模块.... 22
5.4 系统主页.... 23
6 系统测试.... 25
6.1 测试环境.... 25
6.2 测试结果.... 25
7.系统的设置与运行... 25
结 论.... 27
参考文献.... 29
致 谢.... 31