摘 要
关键词: 合同管理,数据库,管理系统
Contract Management System is a typical application of managing information system (know as MIS), which mainly includes developing the application interface of front-end and building up and maintaining the database of back-end. The former should make the function of application integrated and the usage is easy, the latter required a database with powerful consistency and integrality, and nice security.
This system mainly completes the management to contract’s information; include six aspects such as adding, modifying, deleting, searching, printing information and the customer management. The system can complete to browse, search, add, delete, modify etc. to each kind of the function of information. The core of the system is the contact of increase, modification and delete, the modifications of each form will affect to other forms, the system will complete the modification of contract of itself while being to complete to increase or delete the operation. Inquiring about the function of searching also is the one of the systematic nucleus. The system contains the integrity function of users increase, delete and the cipher modification, and the report form to print.
This thesis includes requirement analysis, system function, systems design, programming and the system tests and exists the aspects such as question etc, and comparatively systematically introduced the whole course of " contract management information system " subject development.
Keyword: Contract Management System Database MIS
目 录
摘 要... 6
一、 引言... 9
1.1 选题意义... 9
1.2 管理系统现状... 9
二、 开发工具和数据库... 11
2.1 开发工具介绍... 11
2.2 ADO对象... 12
2.3 数据库语言... 13
2.4 SQL语言... 14
三、 系统分析设计... 16
3.1 系统功能设计... 16
3.2 系统流程图... 18
3.3 业务流程图... 20
3.4 数据流程图... 20
3.5 数据字典... 21
3.6 数据库设计... 21
四、 系统实现... 25
4.1 登录模块实现... 26
4.2 系统管理功能实现... 26
4.3 信息管理实现... 28
4.4 查询信息实现... 29
4.5 合同查询... 30
4.6 数据库备份... 32
4.7 系统帮助... 33
五、 系统的运行与维护... 34
5.1 系统的配置... 34
5.2 系统的维护... 34
开发总结... 36
致 谢... 38
参考文献... 39