目 录
摘 要 2
1、 绪 论 6
1.1课题背景 6
1.1.1目前我国自动阅卷系统的现状 7
1.1.2自动阅卷系统建设的好处 7
1.1.3开发系统的几点建议 8
1.2相关技术介绍 8
1.2.1结构化生命周期法简介 8
1.2.2开发技术——快速原型法简介 9
1.2.3、ADO的背景知识 10
1.2.4本系统开发方法的选择 10
2、系统分析 10
2.1可行性研究 10
2.1.1经济可行性 10
2.1.2技术可行性 10
2.1.3操作可行性 11
2.2、系统的详细调查 11
2..2.1系统详细设计原理 11
2.2.2自动阅卷系统的设计原理和应用 11
3、系统需求分析 12
3.1 任务概述 12
3.2 系统需求 12
3.2.1 Microsoft SQL Server2000数据库 13
3.2.2 MFC简述 13
3.2.3 VC++6.0数据库访问技术 14
4、系统设计 15
4.1 概要设计 15
4.2详细设计 16
4.2.1开发环境 16
4.2.2数据库表结构设计 16
4.3数据库的详细设计 12
4.3.1 E-R模型 21
4.3.2在本系统中使用ADO的过程及详解添加ADO数据源 22
5、程序的详细设计 23
5.1程序设计 23
5.2程序流程 23
5.2.1启动界面 24
5.2.2登陆系统 25
5.2.3统计界面 25
5.2.4核心代码 26
6、 结论 28
6.1 关键技术 28
6.2 软件测试 30
6.3 总结 30
参考文献 30
谢辞 30
附录 30
摘 要
当今社会是一个信息社会,一个知识经济时代。自世界上第一台计算机ENINC(Electronic numerical integrator and calculator)于1946年在美国问世到现在,计算机业飞速发展,技术淘汰指标高的惊人,价格下降以及软件应用的快速扩展引发了以信息处理计算机化为标志的“微机革命”,随之而来的是以全球信息网络普及和全球信息共享为标志的“全球信息网络革命”的蓬勃兴起。可见,世界已进入在计算机信息管理领域中激烈竞争的时代,计算机已经变得普通的不能再普通的工具,如同我们离不开的自行车、汽车一样。我们应该承认,谁掌握的知识多,信息量大,信息处理速度快,批量大,谁的效率就高,谁就能在各种竞争中立于不败之地。
关键词: 自动阅卷系统;ACCESS; ADO
Today's society is a society in an era of the knowledge /economy. Since the world's first computer ENINC (Electronic numerical integerator and calculator) in the United States was made in 1946 to the /present. rapid development of the computer industry, the technical indicators out of the prohibitively /high. prices and the decline in software applications led to the rapid expansion of information processing computer as the symbol of the "computer revolution". attendant to the global information network is universal and global information sharing as a symbol of the "global information network revolution," the vigorous development /onwards. This shows that the world has entered a fierce competition in the field of computer information management era computers have become common tools can no longer ordinary, as we can not bicycles, /cars. We should recognize, the one who has mastered the knowledge, information, information processing speed, volume, whose high efficiency, Who will be able to compete in various /invincible.
Measurement of education is the education process and an important measure of its students to increase knowledge, skills and the development of hobbies, ideological and moral, and education measures on many issues such as a certain number of rules of /conduct. It can be divided into the evaluation of the knowledge and skills /evaluation. Knowledge on the measurement of the corresponding theory and technology is more mature, usually in the form of an objective that (choice to fill in the /blank. matching body). As for the assessment of skills, both on the driver of the appraisal, both in theory and in practice are relatively /weak. How to solve the skills assessment of the environmental simulation and automatic correction is urgently needed to resolve the two /problems. Through the computer evaluation system at home and abroad study found that early examination of the computer used mainly Juanmian examinations, Such a theory-based examinations written, its results can not truly reflect the students computer application level and ability, Even if the computer examinations are mostly standardized examination system, This is not only China's computer systems of such examination, there are many foreign examination system as /well. This examination will lead to the form of students theory and practice of light phenomenon, Candidates computer capacity was limited mostly to "empty talk" and its ability to operate on the difference in the new software tools, will be helpless in the face of environmental
Objective : to candidates through the system automatically evaluation papers to clear, accurate, clear reflection of the performance of their students achieve Checking "/paperless."
Key words: Automatic scoring system;ACCESS; ADO