摘要 I
第一章 引言 1
第二章 GMRES算法基础知识 3
§2.1 向量范数 3
§2.2 线性方程组最小二乘问题 4
§2.2.1 Gram-Schmidt正交化方法 4
§2.2.2 Givens变换 4
第三章 GMRES算法理论 6
§3.1 KRYLOV子空间方法的基本理论 6
§3.2 ARNOLDI算法 7
§3.3 GMRES算法结构 8
第四章 GMRES算法的加速收敛现象分析 9
第五章 数值示例与算法实现 19
§5.1 数值实验 19
§5.2 算法改进与实现 22
§5.2.1 预处理技术 22
§5.2.2 算法实现 24
§5.3 实验总结 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36
文献报告 41
关键字: 广义最小残量; Krylov子空间; Ritz值; 加速收敛; 正交投影方法; 非对称线性方程组
On The Superlinear Convergence of GMRES
With the development of science and project technology, more and more questions need the solution of big linear /systems. This solution is one of the fastest ways for researching numerical algebra, especially for the big sparse /matrix. The way of Arnoldi is based upon the principle of Galerkin, which is closed to the solution of the linear numerical /system. Here, we call the solution as Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES). GMRES is one of the most popular iterative methods for the solution of big nonsingular nonsymmetric linear /systems. It usually has a so-called superlinear convergence /behavior. The rate of convergence seems to improve as the iteration /proceeds. For another say, the rate of residual variable will be improved as we increase its /iteration. For the conjugate gradients method, this method has been related to a degree of convergence of the Ritz /value. Through some analysis, we found that for GMRES too, changes in convergence behavior seem to be related to the convergence of Ritz /value. In our practical application, we also usually use GMRES(m) for reducing storage and counter solving big linear /systems. This paper studies the superlinear convergence behavior of GMRES and GMRES(m), and supplies explain through /experiment.
Keyword: GMRES; Krylov subspace; Ritz value; superlinear convergence; orthogonalization method; nonsymmetric linear system