摘 要
关键词:网络安全 监听工具 winsock技术 IP数据包 Vc++
This text has explained the current situation , defect , threat faced of the online security at present mainly, have put forward the corresponding precautionary measures, has introduced the daily agreement of the network. Recommend winsock technology and monitor principle , monitor to a most extensive one tool sniffer make the simple summary。On the basis of network a lot of threat to come from with one's own loophole and oneself of computer can not clear perceiving whether one's own computer is being infringed at present, though the fire wall can offer help , it can't show to the thing of the lower to everybody . Main research of this text is wrapping up and monitoring and analysing about the data of the lan, adopt wincock technology to realize.Monitor and wrap up and analyse 2 great main functions with ip data mainly in tool once, and can come out through the display that the window body is clear . Its people can observe all the time the data which enter one's own computer are chartered , and can observe the other side's ip address and end slogans opened while exchanging the data , clear to information in time, prevent the monitoring of black ports.
Key words: network security monitor tool winsock technology ip data pack vc++
目 录
摘 要. I
Abstract II
目 录. III
引 言. 1
1 网络安全面临的威胁. 2
1.1 什么是网络安全. 2
1.2 网络安全隐患与威胁. 2
1.3 几种常见的威胁类型. 4
1.4 威胁我国网络安全的4个因素. 5
2 网络协议. 7
3 WINSOCK技术与监听原理. 11
3.1 WINSOCK技术概述. 11
3.2 局域网与以太网监听原理. 14
4 sniffer 17
4.1 sniffer概述. 17
4.2 怎样防范sniffer 18
5 基于WINSOCK技术捕获IP包工具的设计与实现. 22
5.1 系统概述. 22
5.2 系统概要设计. 22
5.3 系统主要功能介绍. 24
5.4 实例分析. 28
5.5 数据包首部解析. 29
结 论. 31
参考文献. 33
附 录. 34
谢 辞. 38
引 言
网络安全正在日益受到广大的计算机用户的关注,特别是“9.11“事件的影响让我们对网络的安全有了更深一层的认识。 在Internet上有一批熟谙网络技术的人,其中不乏网络天才,他们经常利用网络上现存的一些漏洞,想方设法进入他人的计算机系统。有些人只是为了一饱眼福,或纯粹出于个人兴趣,喜欢探人隐私,这些人通常不会造成危害。但也有一些人是存着不良动机侵入他人计算机系统的,通常会偷窥机密信息,或将其计算机系统捣毁。这部分人我们称其为Internet上的"黑客"。 如今Internet火爆全球,可令人头疼的问题也随之而来,那就是由于"黑客"在网上的活动极具危害性及破坏性,网络安全问题已成为网络管理员头等关心的大事,也是决定Internet命运的重要因素。实际上已经出现许多个体网络由于自身安全受到威胁,而不得不被迫暂退出Internet的事件。