摘 要
Research and realization of the Database Connection Pool
In the practically application development of database based on JDBC, the management of database connection is a key point and also a /difficulty. The response and performance of the WEB system are depended on frequently connecting, closing and multi-user accessing in a certain /extent. Using the Database Connection Pool can provide management and maintenance for connections of the /database. The upper applications may access the database recourse via the Database Connection Pool, in order to upgrade system performance and fully utilize the system /recourse. This article summarizes some issues which are easily ignored in the application development of the Database Connection Pool by the way of introducing and analyzing the basal working principles of the Database Connection Pool ,comprehending the using actuality of the Database Connection Pool on the popular WEB /servers. Besides, I established a comparatively highly effective policy of the Connection Pool management after having learned and comprehended key technique of implementing the Connectivity Pool, and actually had developed a Database Connection Pool module under the guidance of that policy, causing the access of system resource by the upper applications via current Connectivity Pool becoming relatively highly effective and easy, demonstrated the feasibility of this design project in /practice.
Key words: Database Connection Pool; Database; JDBC; Concurrence access
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 连接池的主要作用 1
1.3 目前流行的WEB服务器数据库连接池方面使用现状 1
1.3.1 DHCP介绍 2
1.3.2 Poolman介绍 2
1.3.3 C3P0介绍 2
1.3.4 其他连接池(自写连接池) 2
2 相关理论基础 3
2.1 数据库概述 3
2.2 数据库连接池的基本原理 3
2.3 连接池中的关键技术 4
2.3.1 连接池的分配与释放 4
2.3.2 连接池的维护 5
3 系统总体设计思想及方案 5
3.1 连接池中的关键类设计 6
3.2 连接池中的管理机制 7
3.3 实现一个连接池的其他问题 8
3.3.1 事务处理 8
3.3.2 封装 9
3.3.3 并发 9
3.3.4 连接池的关闭 9
4 具体的设计流程和实现 10
4.1 连接池的建立 10
4.2 连接池的管理 12
4.3 连接池的关闭 14
4.4 连接池的测试 15
5 系统测试问题总结 15
5.1 连接池的泄露问题 15
5.1.1 产生现象 15
5.1.2 解决办法 16
5.2 多数据库服务器问题 17
结 论 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 21
声 明 22
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