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摘要: 中小企业在我国经济发展中具有重要地位,目前我国的中小企业数量多,地区分布广泛,行业分布跨度大。随着全球经济一体化的发展和电子商务的兴起,中小企业之间的竞争将越来越激烈。网络及电子商务的迅猛发展突破了时间、空间的局限性,给中小企业带来了更多的发展机会,同时也增大了企业之间的竞争强度。这就要求中小企业必须改变企业的经营管理模式,提高企业的运营效率。目前,我国中小企业的信息化水平还很低,相比国外企业,还只处于刚开始始用的阶段。随着技术发展,电脑操作及管理日趋简化,电脑知识日趋普及,同时市场经济快速多变,竞争激烈,企业采用电脑管理进货、库存、销售等诸多环节也已成为趋势及必然。
本文首先进行系统的需求分析,得出要建的各个系统模块。采用用SQL2005数据库建立系统运行所要的后台数据库,采用VS2005集成开发环境配合使用C#语言开发一套小型超市进销存管理系统。 paper51.com

关键词:超市;进销存;数据库; asp.net;B/S





  内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Abstract: SMEs in China's economic development has an important position, the current number of SMEs in China and more extensive regional distribution, industry distribution span. With the global economic integration and e-business, SMEs will be increasingly fierce competition between. The rapid development of Internet and e-commerce breakthrough in time and space limitations, to bring more small and medium enterprises development opportunities, but also increases the intensity of competition among enterprises. This requires that SMEs have to change the business management model to improve the operational efficiency of enterprises. At present, the information technology SMEs in China is still very low, compared to foreign companies, is still at the beginning of the beginning with the stage. With technology development, computer operations and management has become more simplified, the growing popularity of computer knowledge, and fast changing market economy, competition, enterprise management using the computer purchase, inventory, sales and many other areas has become a trend and a necessity. 内容来自www.paper51.com
The main function of the module system implementation include: purchasing management, sales management, inventory management, loss management reports, basic data management, system configuration management, system management, and several functional modules.
In this paper, systematic needs analysis, the various system modules to be built. SQL2005 databases using the system to run with the desired back-end database, using the integrated development environment with VS2005 using C # language to develop a small supermarket inventory management system.
Keywords: Supermarkets, Invoicing, database, asp.net, B/S

目 录

内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

1 前言 5
1.1开发背景 5
1.2目的和意义 5
1.3系统设计思想 5
2 需求分析 7
2.1可行性分析 7
2.1.1技术可行性 7
2.1.2法律可行性 7
2.1.3组织管理上的可行性 7
2.1.4经济可行性 7
2.1.5运行可行性 8
2.2开发系统的必要性 8
3开发工具简介 9
3.1 ASP.NET概述 9
3.2 ASP.NET的优点 9
3.3 SQL Server2005数据库介绍 10
4 系统设计 13
4.1 MIS系统的产生和发展情况 13
4.2 系统流程分析 13
4.3数据流图 14
4.4系统模块总体设计 16
4.5 数据库设计 18
4.5.1数据库设计概述 18
4.5.2数据分析 18
4.5.3数据库的详细设计 18
5 系统程序设计及实现 24
5.1 系统登录面设计 24
5.2 系统主界面设计 25
5.3 采购管理功能设计 26
5.4 销售管理功能设计 27
5.5 库存管理功能设计 29
5.6 报损信息管理 31
5.7 系统管理功能设计 33
5.8 系统配置管理功能设计 33
5.9 系统管理功能设计 35
6 结论 36
致谢 37
参考文献 38



