摘 要
根据系统所需功能,决定以Microsoft Visual Studio2005为开发平台,采用SQL server 2005做后台数据库,.NET Framework开发框架,C#开发语言。本系统在开发过程中,注意使其符合操作的业务流程,并力求系统的全面性,通用性,使得本系统适用于公交公司和乘客。在开发方法的选择上,选择了生命周期法与原型法相结合的方法,遵循系统调查研究,系统分析,系统设计和系统实施四个主要阶段进行设计,而在具体的设计上,采取了演化式原型法,随着用户的使用以及对系统的了解的不断加深,对某一部分或几部分进行重新分析,设计,实施。 http://www.paper51.com
关键词:公交查询,ASP.NET ,B/S结构,数据库 paper51.com
The development of the bus passenger information system is in a level that fall behind of the city in our country. The large part of passengers can acquire few ways of the information. So it's practical for us to develop city traffic circuit search-manage system in order to resolving this problem.
I design this application procedure--- Design and implementation of bus inquiry management system. First, I analyzed the present condition of the bus passenger information and different people's needs, in order to know what functions this equipment should contain; Second, I describe the system’s main function modules in detail. search system has According to the line search、station search and between two stations search; and management system has Add function, Update function and Delete function. At last according to the problems that happened in the period of using, I find some ways to improve the system, and some experiences that I can have from this research. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
On the base of the function need, the exploitation platform adopts Microsoft Visual Studio2005, Background database users SQL server 2005 and by way of .NET Framework, C# language. The system is wide and comprehensive in including most of the service items of company and passengers. In developing procedure, we pursue the comprehensiveness and commonality of the system, so that it can not only be applied in one educational institution. In choosing the developing methods, we combine the life cycle approach and the proto type-based approach, approach in four main steps: system investigation, system analysis, system design and system implementation. As to data design, evolutionary prototype-based approach is partially adopted to reanalyze, redesign and re-implement with the user's ever-in creasing under standing of the system.
Keywords: Bus inquiry, ASP.NET, B / S structure, database
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
引 言 1
第1章 导论 2
1.1项目研究的背景 2
1.2项目研究的目的 2
1.3项目研究的现状 3
1.4 本课题的研究方法 3
1.5系统开发的相关技术 4
1.5.1 asp.net介绍 4
1.5.2 C#语言介绍 5
1.5.3 B/S架构 5
1.5.4 sql server 2005介绍 6
1.5.5 ASP.NET技术的优点 7
1.6开发工具介绍 8
第2章 系统分析 9
2.1系统可行性分析 9
2.1.1 技术可行性分析 9
2.1.2 操作可行性 10
2.1.3 经济可行性 10
2.2数据库需求分析 10
2.3 性能需求 11
2.3.1 系统处理的准确性和及时性 11
2.3.2 系统的开放性和系统的可扩充性 12
2.3.3 系统的易用性和易维护性 12
2.3.4 系统的标准性 12
2.3.5 系统的先进性 12
2.3.6 系统的响应速度 13
第3章 系统设计与实现 14
3.1系统体系结构设计 14
3.2数据库结构设计 14
3.2.1 E-R图 14
3.2.2 数据库逻辑涉及 15
3.2.3 数据库——表设计 20 内容来自www.paper51.com
3.3业务逻辑 24
3.3.1数据增加流程 24
3.3.2 数据修改流程 25
3.3.3 数据删除流程 26
3.4通用模块的设计 27
3.4.1数据库操作类 27
3.4.2 操作提示Alert.cs类 31
第4章 系统模块的详细设计与实现 33
4.1 前台详细设计 33
4.1.1 用户登录 33
4.1.2 用户注册 34
4.1.3 公交查询 35
4.1.4 新闻信息 43
4.1.5 查询生活信息 45
4.2 后台详细设计 46
4.2.1 管理员登录 46
4.2.2 基本信息管理 47
4.2.3 新闻信息管理 48
4.2.4 会员信息管理 49
4.2.5 生活信息管理 50
总 结 51
参 考 文 献 53 http://www.paper51.com
内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
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