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  Internet是目前世界上最大的计算机互联网络它遍布全球,将世界各地各种规模的网络连接成一个整体。作为Internet上一种先进的,易于被人们所接受的信息检索手段,World Wide Web(简称WWW)发展十分迅速,成为目前世界上最大的信息资源宝库。据估计,目前Internet上已有上百万个Web站点,其内容范围跨越了教育科研、文化事业、金融、商业、新闻出版、娱乐、体育等各个领域,其用户群十分庞大,因此,建设一个好的Web站点对于一个机构的发展十分重要。
网络聊天是互联网应用过程中出现的一种新的社会活动,上网者通过同一网络聊天软件, 与分布在不同地方的人进行文字、语音或者声像形式的信息沟通。作为一种现代的实时网络 通信方式, 网络聊天以其快速、低成本、多媒体形式等优点,吸引了众多的上网者,网络聊天 不仅成为一种现代通讯方式,而且越来越成为一种公众参与网络社会生活的社交方式。在网络 聊天活动向参与者更多、范围更广、沟通形式多媒体化、活动内容多样化等方向发展的同时, 网络聊天室犯罪也随之产生,其危害日益严重。与传统犯罪所不同的是,网络聊天犯罪中的被 害人多是青少年,他们与犯罪人“秘密”交往,并怀着极大的信任“自愿”走入犯罪人设下的 “秘密陷阱” ,而事后对此类犯罪的侦破难度较大,为保护互联网上广大青少年免受此类犯罪 的侵害,有必要研究此类新型犯罪的犯罪规律,建立针对此类犯罪的潜在被害人群体的特别保 护机制。


关键字:在线聊天,Vs2005 ,Sql2000,asp.net ,Ajax
Internet is the world's largest computer network around the world it will be of all sizes around the world into a whole network connection. As the Internet on an advanced, easy to be accepted means of information retrieval, World Wide Web (referred to as WWW) developed rapidly, becoming the world's largest treasure trove of information resources. It is estimated that the current Internet, there are millions of Web sites, their content across a range of education and scientific research, culture, finance, business, journalism, publishing, entertainment, sport and other fields, and its huge user base, therefore, to build a good The Web site for an organization's development.
In recent years the rapid development of computer technology, especially the development of computer networks, more profound changes in all aspects of people's lives. Makes it able to lower the price to develop a more convenient and practical web-based tools. A variety of online services system, but also a profound influence on people's way of contacts and exchanges so that people can be separated by thousands of miles away in communications at any time. Over the past many old contacts, has been unable to meet the needs of modern life. Online chat system as a convenient link between the consumer and the people of the practical system in place. Online chat system is for people to communicate and provide a platform for contacts. Through the provision of sound management of the Internet chat system, you can reach people and consumers to promote consumers and consumers of the purpose of communication and contact. paper51.com
Internet chat applications, the Internet emerged in the course of a new kind of social activities, the same network through the Internet chat software, and distribution of people in different places in the text, voice or audio-visual forms of information communication. As a modern real-time network communication, network chat for its fast, low-cost, multi-media forms, etc., has attracted a large number of Internet users, online chat has not only become a modern means of communication and public participation is increasingly becoming a social networks the way of social life. Activities in the network to the participants to chat more, a much wider range of multimedia forms of communication, activities, etc. develop in the direction of diversification at the same time, network chat rooms have also have a crime, the harm is becoming increasingly serious. Different from traditional crimes, the network of crime victims to chat and more young people, their people and crime "secret" contacts, and with great confidence "voluntarily" into the crime were set up under the "secret trap", and after the detection of such crimes more difficult to protect young people from the majority of Internet crimes against such, it is necessary to study such a new type of crime, criminal law, the establishment of such a crime against the potential victims of the special protection group mechanism.


Keywords: online chat, Vs2005, Sql2000, asp.net, Ajax http://www.paper51.com

摘要 1
第一章 概述 4
1.1系统分析 4
1.2 需求分析 4
1.3发展状况 5
1.4开发背景 5
第二章 件可行性研究及其技术 6
2.1性研究 6
2.1.1技术可行性 6
2.1.2经济可行性 6
2.1.3操作可行性 7
2.2 用到的技术 7
2.2.1 ASP.NET 简介 8
2.2.2 面向.NET的开发工具C# 9
2.2.3 C#语言的特点 9
2.2.4 SQL Server数据库简介 10
2.2.5 HTML 11
2.2.6 ASP.NET AJAX 11
第三章 系统分析 13
3.1实现概述 13
3.2 软件的运行环境设计 13
3.3 系统功能模块设计 14
3.4 数据库需求分析 15
3.4.1 数据库结构设计 15
3.5功能模块 16
第四章 系统维护 30
第五章 测试 32
第六章 总结 33
结 束 语 34
参考文献 35 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com


内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com


