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摘  要

关键字  病历、管理系统、MySQL、MyEclipse

With the rapid development of computer and the popularization, and the extensive application of database technology, all enterprises and institutions and commercial organizations gradually realized informationization management, medical institutions more and more is also gradually into the information system of the process. Management system should also have the modernization of hospital. In today's increasingly advanced technology, people's health has also been attention. Therefore, modern hospital management becomes particularly important.

In this system the integrated application of SQLServer, Servlet, JSP knowledge. Structure design of webpage interface to practicality, has the characteristics of easy operation, simple, convenient. In the design, first of all, has obtained the good effect of art using the static page HTML language on the website of the fine processing and in site. Secondly, to learn and practice a lot for the dynamic programming, JSP Java programming and SQLServer database, and applied to the construction of the site.
In this paper, a detailed and comprehensive discussion on the electronic case management system. Users to access the system is divided into two kinds of roles administrator, doctor, each role has different function module respectively. The administrator can basic information management department, department and doctor; doctor can manage the patient and the medical record information

Key Words  Medical records, management system,MySQL, MyEclipse

目  录
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摘  要 I
Abstract II
绪  论 1
1  系统概述与技术介绍 2
1.1  B/S结构介绍 2
1.2  MySQL数据库 2
1.3  MyEclipse介绍 2
1.4  JavaScrip语言 3
1.5  JSP技术 3
1.6  MVC模式 5
2  系统需求分析 8
2.1  开发环境 8
2.2  需求分析 8
2.3  可行性分析 8
3  系统概要设计 10
3.1  系统设计概述 10
3.2  系统用例图 11
3.3  系统流程图 12
3.4  系统功能分析 13
4  数据库设计与实现 15
4.1  数据库结构设计 15
4.1.1  表概要说明 15
4.1.2  数据表的结构 15
5  系统的实现 19
5.1  系统登录设计 19
5.2  管理员功能设计 21
5.2.1  科室信息管理 21
5.2.2  科室项目管理 23
5.2.3  医生信息管理 25
5.3  医生功能设计 27
5.3.1  病历信息管理 27
5.3.2  诊断记录管理 30
5.3.3  个人信息管理 33


5.4 退出后台管理 35
6  系统测试 36
6.1  测试方法 36
6.2  系统测试结果 36
总 结 38
参考文献 39
