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安卓 基于Android的教师日志管理设计与实现

摘  要

With the rise of the mobile platform, more and more traditional PC software was ported to mobile platforms, such as iPad, iPhone, Android and other intelligent terminal equipment, in these platform, Android occupied the largest market share, so Android users to develop to meet the daily use of the software has now become a popular.

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This design selects the nowadays popular Android platform as a development technology, the realization of a teacher's log management software function, teachers can record the schedule information through this software, but also can do from time to time to remind.
This thesis will gradually introduce teachers log management system for Android platform based on the development background and significance, then introduced teachers log management system analysis, design and implementation process, finally has made the summary to this thesis.
Keywords: Android, SQLite, mobile phone, teacher's log management

目 录
摘  要 2
目 录 4
前言 1
1 绪 论 2
1.1本课题的研究背景和意义 2
1.2本课题当前研究现状 2
1.3本文研究内容 3
1.4论文框架介绍 3
2系统理论背景 5
2.1 开发工具及环境简介 5
2.2 Android系统 6
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2.2.1 Android Features特性 6
2.2.2 Android系统的四大组件 7
3 教师日志管理录系统分析 9
3.1概述 9
3.1.1系统分析的原则 9
3.1.2系统分析的方法 9
3.2 系统可行性分析 10
3.3 系统功能模块需求 11
4 教师日志管理录系统设计 11
4.1 系统设计原则 11
4.2 系统流程设计 12
4.3 系统功能模块设计 13
4.4 数据库设计 14
5 教师日志管理录系统实现 16
5.1 课程列表界面实现 16
5.2 课程录入模块实现 17
5.3 闹钟提醒功能实现 18
6 系统测试与分析 20
6.1软件测试的重要性 20
6.2软件测试的目的 21
6.3本系统测试用例 22
7总结与展望 23
7.1总结 23
7.2展望 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26
