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安卓 基于Android的掌上书屋系统

摘  要

With the rise of mobile platforms, more and more traditional PC software has been ported to mobile platforms, such as ipad, iphone, Android and other smart terminal equipment, in these platforms, Android occupy the largest market share, so as to develop Android users meet the daily use of software has become a popular now.
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With the rapid development of mobile document reader, especially the novel format gradually spread, mobile phones have become an integral part of people's lives in a part of the main functions of the phone is to make calls and send text messages, phone reader is therefore essential phone software, if you can have a powerful, simple operation management software mobile reader will be able to greatly improve the efficiency of the user.
This paper will gradually introduce the background and significance of the development of Android-based mobile fiction reader, followed by a detailed description of the analysis of the system design and implementation process, the last of the paper summarized.
Keywords: Android, fiction reader, SQLite, phone
目 录
摘  要 2
目 录 1
前言 1
1 绪 论 2
1.1课题的研究背景 2
1.2本课题研究现状 2
1.3本文研究内容 3
1.4本论文框架介绍 3
2相关技术及开发平台 5
2.1 开发工具及环境简介 5

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2.2 Android系统 6
3 掌上书屋分析 8
3.1概述 8
3.1.1系统分析的原则 8
3.1.2系统分析的方法 8
3.2性能需求分析 9
3.2.1  实用性原则 9
3.2.2  可扩展性与可维护性原则 9
3.2.3  安全可靠性原则 9
3.2.4  用户界面美观原则 9
3.2.5  准确性与原则性原则 10
3.2.6  易用性原则 10
3.3 系统可行性分析 10
3.4 系统功能需求 11
3.5 系统使用流程分析 12
4 掌上书屋设计 13
4.1 系统设计目标 13
4.2 系统功能模块设计 13
4.3 工程文件结构设计 14
5 掌上书屋编码实现 16
5.1 登录模块实现 17
5.2 掌上书屋界面实现 18
5.3 书籍阅读界面实现 20
5.4 添加书籍界面实现 23
6 系统测试 26
6.1测试的定义 26
6.2测试的目的 26
6.3掌上书屋测试用例 27
总 结 29
致 谢 29
参考文献 31

