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从用户角度看,计算机安全主要是保障个人数据或企业的信息在网络中的保密性、完整性、不可否任性,防止信息的泄露和破坏,防止信息的资源的非授权访问。对于网络管理者来说,网络安全的主要任务是保障合法用户正常使用网络资源,避免病毒、拒绝服务、远程控制、非授权访问等威胁,而这些的种种都是服务器的安全漏洞,如果要做到这些,服务器的安全性,绝对是不可缺少的一个重要项目。 http://www.paper51.com

从教育和意识形态方面,网络安全主要是保障信息内容的合法与健康,控制含不良内容的信息在网络中的传播。例如英国实施的“安全网络R-3号”计划,其目的就是打击网络上的犯罪行为,防止 Internet 上不健康内容的泛滥。






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Thisthesis introduced the safety of the server and the knowledge of the managementand the hardware fire wall. This thesis totally 3 greatest chapter, thecontents include:The server introduction,server install,the management,firewall of the safe function,server of the server install to resolve with problemetc.. 内容来自www.paper51.com

Inthe information-based society, the people's dependence to the calculatornetwork strengthens increasingly, more and more informations and important dataresources appear in the network, in this kind of case, the safe constitution ofthe server particularly important, the server of various each kind pile up oneafter another, having another a not prosperous number because of the brand ofthe server, so this thesis the server of the mother school that aim at authorcarry on academic up of exchanges. paper51.com

TheSee from the customer angle, the the calculator safety mainly is theinformation that guarantees personal data or business enterprise in theconfidentiality, the integrity in the network the and can't deny self-will, thekeeping information the from reveal the with the breakage, the resources thatprevent ° froms an information authorizes an interview not.For network governorto say, the main mission of the network safety guarantees legal customer to usethe network resources normally, avoiding virus,refuse a service,long rangecontrol,authorize an interview not...etc. to threaten, but these various safeloopholes that is all server, if want to attain these, the safety of the serverabsolutely is an important item of the indispensability. copyright paper51.com

Fromthe education and the consciousness appearance aspect, the network safetymainly is guarantee the information contents of legal and healthily, the controlinformation with the bad contents is in the dissemination in the network.Forexample"the safe network numbers R-3s"s of implement in England plan,its purpose be fight a network up of criminal offence, prevent°from the delugeof the Internet top ill-health contents. http://www.paper51.com

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第1章  服务器的介绍 ………………………………………………1

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1.1 服务器的概念..........................................................................1

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1.2 服务器的类型..........................................................................1 copyright paper51.com

第2章  服务器的安全机制…………………………………………..7

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2.1  SUN服务器的安全手段........................................................7


2.2  防止堆栈溢处..........................................................................7 paper51.com

2.3  关闭不用的服务……………………………………………..8 paper51.com

2.4  给系统打补丁………………………………………………..9


第3章  防火墙……………………………………………………….15 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3.1  防火墙的基本配置原则…………………………………….15


3.2  防火墙的初始配置………………………………………….15

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3.3  CiscoPIX防火墙的基本配置………………………………18


3.4  包过滤型防火墙的访问控制表(ACL)配置……………..21 内容来自www.paper51.com

第4章 参考文献 感谢 ………………………………………………24

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4.1  参考文献 ……………………………………………………24 paper51.com

4.2  感谢…………………………………………………………….24

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            第 1 章  服务器的介绍 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

1.1  服务器的概念

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1.2  服务器的类型

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    Sun Fire系列部分服务器基本上是入门级服务器,主流的有Sun Fire X2100/X4100/X4200、Sun Fire V20z/V40z、SunFire V100/V120/V210/V240/V440等。

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  SunFire X4200 是一个最多 2 个双核心或单核心 AMD Opteron 200 系列处理器,最多16 GB 内存,最多四个硬盘,带 DVD-ROM,2U 高的外型尺寸的服务器, Sun Fire X4200 服务器是同类产品中最快、可靠且可扩展的 1 路至 4 路服务器。 由于几乎无可匹敌的灵活性,它还可运行 Solaris OS、Linux 和 Windows。 内容来自www.paper51.com

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图1:Sun Fire X4200


  SunFire V40z最多支持 4 个双核心或单核心 AMD Opteron 800 系列处理器,最高支持 32 GB 内存、最多支持 6 个 Ultra320 SCSI 硬盘、具有带内和带外控制的无人值守管理功能。Sun Fire V40z 服务器可提供极佳的性能和灵活性。 借助双核心或单核心 AMD Opteron CPU,该 x64服务器为方寸之地注入了卓越动力。 它还支持64 位和 32 位应用程序及多个操作系统,并提供前所未有的投资保护。 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com


图2:Sun Fire V40z



