摘 要 该设计是设计一超声深孔钻床,利用超声震动加工深孔。振动切削与普通切削相比,在降低切削力和切削热方面有明显的效果,尤其在难加工材料的加工和精密加工中,振动切削具有普通切削无法比拟的工艺效果。因此,作为精密机械加工和难加工材料加工的一种新技术,振动切削已经逐步渗透到多种机械加工领域,振动钻削就是比较成功的应用实例。 http://www.paper51.com 振动钻削,即在钻头(或工件)正常工作进给的同时,对钻头(或工件)施加某种有规律的振动,使钻头在振动中切削,形成脉冲式的切削力波形,使切削用量按某种规律变化,以达到改善切削效能的目的。根据实际加工的需要,适当选择振动参数(频率v,振幅A以及频率v与工件转速n的比例关系),可以控制切屑的大小和形状,得到满意的切屑,避免切屑堵塞。可提高生产效率几倍到十几倍,提高加工精度1—2级,且加工表面质量也有较大改善。 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 超声振动深孔加工钻床是利用超声振动系统对钻头施加振动,使钻头在振动中切削,使切削用两按规律变化,从而达到改善切削效能的目的。 paper51.com
关键词:超声振动,深孔加工,枪钻车床。 paper51.com Abstract http://www.paper51.com This design isdesigns a supersonic deep hole drilling machine, the use supersonic vibrationprocesses the deep hole. The vibration cutting and the ordinary cuttingcompares, in reduces the cutting force and cuts the hot aspect to have thetangible effect, difficult to be processing the material especially in theprocessing and the precise processing, the vibration cutting has the crafteffect which the ordinary cutting is unable to compare. Therefore, took theprecision machinery processing and difficult to process the material processingone kind of new technology, the vibration cutting already gradually seeps tomany kinds of machine-finishing domain, the vibration drills truncates comparesthe successful application example. 内容来自www.paper51.com The vibrationdrills truncates, namely while the drill bit (or work piece) normal work tofeed, (or work piece) exerts some kind of orderly vibration to the drill bit,causes the drill bit to cut in the vibration, forms the pulse -like cuttingforce profile, causes the cutting specifications according to some kind of rulechange, achieves the improvement cutting potency the goal。According to the actual processingneed, chooses the vibration parameter suitably (frequency v, oscillationamplitude A as well as frequency v with the work piece rotational speed nproportional relationship), may control the scrap the size and the shape,obtains satisfaction scrap, avoids the scrap jamming. May enhance productionefficiency several times to several times, enhances the processing precision1-2 level, also the processing surface quality also has improves greatly. paper51.com The ultrasonicvibration deep hole processing drilling machine is the use ultrasonic vibrationsystem to the drill bit infliction vibration, causes the drill bit to cut inthe vibration, causes the cutting with two according to the rule change, thusachieves the improvement cutting potency the goal. 内容来自www.paper51.com
Key words: The ultrasonic vibration,the deep hole processing, butts the lathe. copyright paper51.com 目 录 paper51.com
前言... 1 内容来自www.paper51.com 1.超声和深孔加工技术的发展趋势... 3 copyright paper51.com 1.1 超声振动加工技术发展趋势... 3 paper51.com
1.2 深孔加工发展状况... 9 paper51.com 2.机床主要参数的确定... 12 内容来自www.paper51.com 2.1 电机功率的确定... 12 paper51.com
2.2 主运动参数的确定... 12 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 2.3 标准公比值和标准转速数列... 14 内容来自www.paper51.com 3.确定结构式和绘制转速图... 18 copyright paper51.com
3.1 求级数z. 18 paper51.com 3.2 确定结构式... 18 http://www.paper51.com
3.3 绘制转速图... 19 内容来自www.paper51.com 4.确定各级传动副齿轮的齿数... 21 paper51.com 4.1 确定齿轮的齿数... 21 paper51.com 4.2 验算传动比... 25 http://www.paper51.com 4.3 各轴及齿轮的计算转速的确定... 26 内容来自www.paper51.com 5.传动零件的初步计算... 29 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 5.1 传动轴直径初定... 29 http://www.paper51.com 5.2 主轴主要结构参数的确定... 30 内容来自www.paper51.com 5.3 齿轮模数计算和齿轮中心距的计算... 30 http://www.paper51.com 5.4 皮带的相关计算... 31 paper51.com
6.主要零件的验算... 36 copyright paper51.com 6.1 齿轮的强度验算... 36 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 6.2 主轴的验算... 37 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 6.3 花键的验算... 43 copyright paper51.com
致 谢... 46 paper51.com 参考文献:... 47 copyright paper51.com 内容来自www.paper51.com |