目 录 1.引言……………………………………………………………………3 copyright paper51.com
2.测定原理………………………………………………………………3 http://www.paper51.com
3.测定步骤………………………………………………………………5 paper51.com 3.1试剂及配制…………………………………………………………5 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 3.2操作步骤……………………………………………………………5 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
3.3实验结果……………………………………………………………6 http://www.paper51.com 4.实验注意事项与结果讨论……………………………………………8 copyright paper51.com 参考文献…………………………………………………………………9 copyright paper51.com 摘要:有汞重铬酸钾滴定法由于有毒污染而逐渐被淘汰,无汞滴定铬酸钾滴定法被广泛应用。经典的无汞测定铁矿石中铁含量的方法是现行国内外铁矿石全铁分析的常用方法,该方法操作简便,结果准确,是测铁的理想方法。新的无汞盐测定铁矿石中全铁的方法(锌还原法)也得到了应用。本文对经典无汞测铁法与新的无汞盐测定法进行实验研究,对同一样品进行实验测定比较,在实验研究中,两者的实验测定结果的相对平均偏差分别为0.26%、0.24%,相对平均偏差在误差允许范围内。 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 其测定结果表明:新无汞盐测定全铁的方法(即重铬酸钾—锌还原法)的方法是可行的。 paper51.com
关键词: 无汞盐测铁法 测定 铁矿石 http://www.paper51.com Mercury-free potassiumdichromate - zinc reduction of iron ore in the entire study http://www.paper51.com Abstract: K2Cr2O7titration have mercury gradually be eliminated because of toxic pollution,mercury-free titration chromium potassium titration widely used. The classiciron ore in mercury-free determination of iron content in the existing domesticand foreign iron ore is iron-wide analysis of the commonly used method, themethod is simple, accurate, is the ideal method of measuring iron. The newmercury-free salt of iron ore in total iron approach (zinc Reduction) has beenapplied. In this paper, the classic mercury-free Measurement of iron with thenew mercury-free salt method for experimental study, conducted experiments onthe same sample of comparison, the experimental study, the experimental resultsof both the relative average deviation was 0.26 percent, 0.24 percent , Theaverage deviation in the relative error allowed range.the results of that: thenew mercury-free salt of the total iron method (that is K2Cr2O7 a zinc reduction) method is feasible. http://www.paper51.com Keywords: Measuringmercury-free iron salts Determination Iron ore copyright paper51.com |