【Abstract】In this paper, Lin'an City,studied the current situation of rural sports. Combined in the "NewCountryside" situation, the analysis of Lin'an City, the main factor inthe development of rural sports. Especially in the sports consciousness,facilities, financial input, the government emphasis on lifestyle and ruralworking people in terms of sports development in rural areas put forwardconstructive ideas and solutions designed to improve the lives of healthypeople to provide information. In order to fully understand and develop the newera of rural sports, rural sports development for the existing range of issueswere discussed and the status quo based on the description to clarify theconstruction of sports in the new role of rural areas, rural China arediscussed some problems of sports development explore the future in building anew socialist countryside in physical development strategies in order toaccelerate the pace of building new socialist countryside, promoting thedevelopment of rural sports. 内容来自www.paper51.com 【Key words 】New Countryside Rural Sports Harmonious Society National Fitness Program http://www.paper51.com 1 前言 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 我国是一个农业大国,全国农民人口占到了八亿,如何增强广大农民体质、提高农民的健康水平、丰富农村业余文化生活,关键是要搞好农村体育的开展。农村体育是社会体育的一个组成部分,是在农村开展以健康、休闲、娱乐为目的的身体锻炼活动。主要特点是:活动项目多样化,乡土化,活动时间农闲化,活动形式分散化。在此,中央在十六届五中全会上做出了建设社会主义新农村的重大战略决策。就如何更好的开展农村体育作出了重要的政府报告,农村体育的开展不仅要解决农民自身对体育认识的转变,更要从政府的角度来考虑以引起政府的高度重视。农村体育作为社会精神文明的重要组成部分,体育文化的建设是新农村建设的重要内容,加强农村体育文化的建设对新农村建设和体育事业的繁荣发展有着重要意义。 paper51.com 农村体育是我国体育事业发展的基础,在体育工作中要树立和落实“以人为本的科学发展观”、满足农村人民群众强身健体客观需求。1995年6月国务院布了《全民健身计划纲要》,对于农村体育的发展有了更进一步的推动作用。十五年来的实践表明全民健身活动不仅促进了农民身体素质提高,也促进了农村社会的健康发展,己成社会主义现代化建设不可缺少的组成部分。在新的历史时期,农村体育被赋予新内涵,对经济落后的县级市临安的和谐发展更具有现实的指导意义,也有利于临安全面小康社会的建设和全民健身计划的顺利开展,实现“政治文明、物质文明和精神文明”的协调发展,最终达到构建社会主义和谐新农村的目标。 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com |