Up to now, we have only used the term “mistake” insteadof “error”. In its broad sense, mistake refers to the production of linguisticform which deviates from the correct form(杨阳2005). However, not all mistakes are the same. It is veryuseful to have an idea about the possible causes of mistakes. copyright paper51.com
2.1.1 Mistakes paper51.com A mistake is really a slip of the tongue or a pen. Thestudent is able to correct it himself/herself, either completely unprompted orwith the guidance of teacher and other students. Native speakers make mistakesall the time even though they know the correct form. Let’s look at thefollowing tiny mistakes of linguistic form(李强2003). http://www.paper51.com He had beentheir for several days. copyright paper51.com She leftschool two years ago and now work in a factory. paper51.com My father isa farmer. She works on a farm. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com It may be agreed that anyone who writes sentences such asthese could correction the mistakes if they were pointed out. Teachers oftencall these “slips” or “careless mistakes” just for this reason. We know that ifstudents concentrated their attention on these details, they could easily putthem right. copyright paper51.com 2.1.2Errors 内容来自www.paper51.com Now , let’s look at the following examples: paper51.com Although thefilm was interesting, but I didn’t enjoy it. copyright paper51.com That is thefirst English novel which I have read it. paper51.com
It isfortunate the fact that she loves you. 内容来自www.paper51.com With this mistakes, the students might: paper51.com
___believewhat he or she is saying is correct. paper51.com ___not knowwhat the correct form should be. copyright paper51.com ___ knowwhat the correct form should be but can’t get it right. 内容来自www.paper51.com If a student cannot correct a mistake by himself/herself,but the teacher thinks that the class is familiar with the correct form, weshall call this sort of mistake an error. However, it might be difficult forthe teacher to guess whether or not the student will be able to self-correct,so asking the student to try again is often the best way to decide whether theincorrect form is an error or a mistake. Generally speaking, very little timeneeds to be spent on mistakes but errors will need attention at certain stagesof the lesson. And we may apply different methods to deal with themrespectively. paper51.com 2.2 Different Attitudes Towards Mistakes paper51.com Before trying to find out how something can be done, itis necessary to decide whether it should be done. Mistakes in foreign languageteaching have been a focus of debate. There are people who claim that mistakesshould be avoided and that they should be corrected immediately whenever theyoccur(林立2004). Meanwhilethere are other people who assert that too much correction may discourage thelearner and so becomes a great hindrance in language learning (杨阳2005). What do youthink? http://www.paper51.com
3. Understand the Mistake of the Students paper51.com 1) Mistakes inforeign language are an important part of studying, as the students have noright idea in their mind. They are students and they need study because ofmaking mistakes. paper51.com