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Study motivation is the force which stimulates students to goin for study. It causes a far-reaching influence to senior school students.Three aspects affected it: the philosophy of students, various kinds ofnonintellectual factors and exterior factors. At the beginning of this paper, theconstitution and types of study motivation are analyzed, and then the characterfeatures of senior school students are discussed. Finally, some strategies to stimulatetheir study motivations in English learning are proposed. The aim of the paperare to make the students to realize the importances of study are that promotetheir wholly development; master the basic knowledge for living; increase theirabilities for social competition.

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2.The definition, constitution and types of study motivation 内容来自www.paper51.com

Motivation causes a far-reaching influence to students. Many scholarsintroduce their opinions about it. Rod Ellis thinks that “whereas languageaptitude concerns the cognitive abilities that underlie successful; L2 acquisition,motivation involves the attitudes and affective states that influence thedegree of effort that learners make to learn an L2.various kinds of motivation have been identified;instrumental, integrative, resultative, and intrinsic.” (Ellis, 2000:75)And Ithink motivation is the force stimulates students to go in for study. Threeaspects affected it: the philosophy of students, various kinds ofnonintellectual factors and exterior factors. Philosophy is a tool to differthe right from wrong, good from bad, beauty from ugly. It has directionalfunction for study. Nevertheless, it is the nonintellectual factor thatoccupies the core in the factors. And the circumstance factors are the externalcondition for the student. They affect and transform with each other. Studymotivation is stimulated for the student’s requirements. paper51.com

In terms of source, it has the function to arouse, maintainone’s interest on English learning and join in some activities. It can bedivided into three types:


2.1 External Motivation copyright paper51.com

It is the exterior factor that promotes the students toengage in study and take part in activities, such as the scores and diploma,reward and punishment, praise and criticism, competition and cooperation, therelationship and the atmosphere in class, and so on. (李森. 2007 translatedby the author)

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2.2 Internal Motivation

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It comes from the inherent feeling of the students and thenstimulates them to have motivation on study. It includes interests, needs,attitudes, emotions, feelings, curiosity, self-respect, thirst for knowledge,characters, will, motivation and so on. (李森. 2007 translated by theauthor) copyright paper51.com

2.3 Task motivation paper51.com

It is a special motivation that not only indirectly receivesthe force of external power, but also the tendency of inner being. It is the studyconsidered to be a kind of obligation. If you finished your task you will besatisfied. (李森. 2007 translated by the author) 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

