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The paper discusses the translationof the title of Chinese books. It aims to find the principle that thetranslator should follow in title translation. Through the analysis of examples,it is found that sometimes the title is translated literally, and sometimes ina free way. There is no final conclusion reached over which translation methodshould be used. But the translator should bear in mind when he sets about thetask: he should have a thorough understanding of the book and enough knowledgeabout the two languages and cultures. In dealing with the title, variousfactors shall be taken into account: the flavor of the original, the readinghabit of the target reader, and the cultural gap between two countries. paper51.com

Key words: the title of a book; literal translation; freetranslation 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

摘 要 copyright paper51.com




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独创性声明... i 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Acknowledgements. ii paper51.com

Abstract iii http://www.paper51.com

摘 要... iv 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

1. Introduction. 1

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2. Literal translation of Titles. 3


2.1 Definition. 3 copyright paper51.com

2.2 Examples of literal translation. 3 内容来自www.paper51.com

2.3 Summary. 4 内容来自www.paper51.com

3. Free translation of Titles. 5 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3.1 Definition. 5 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3.2 Examples of free translation. 5


3.3 Summary. 9

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4. Principles that the translator needs to attend. 9


4.1 Thorough understanding of the book. 9


4.2 Enough knowledge about the two languages and cultures. 10 copyright paper51.com

5. Conclusion. 10 内容来自www.paper51.com

Reference. 11 内容来自www.paper51.com



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The author always tries tofind a title most suitable for his book because a good book name gives readers adeep impression and attracts them to read it. It is not uncommon that the titleof a book is changed several times before its publication. The final title isoften the result of hard thinking and weighing among the two or three titles inthe author’s mind. Take Mao Dun’s Midnight as an example. Before thetitle Midnight was decided, Mao Dun has devised three names forthis book: Sunset; Set A Prairie Ablaze and Prairie (包惠南,2001:82). First he tried the title of Sunset,but finally he chose 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

The title of a book is likethe eyes of a man, from which the reader can get a glimpse of the book. Generallyspeaking, a title may reveal the principle character of the book, the placewhere the story happens, the main plot, or the main spirit of the book. Hereare some examples: Luo Tuo Xiangzi (《骆驼祥子》), Rickshaw Boy, tells us the main character in thebook; Qing Chun Zhi Ge(《青春之歌》),The Song of Youth, tells us what the book mainlytalks about; Cha Guan (《茶馆》), Tea House, tellsus where the story happened; Lao Can You Ji (《老残游记》), The Travel of Lao Can, tellsus the main plot of this book. copyright paper51.com
