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This paper makes an analysison the meaning of “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, the famous AmericanPoet in the twentieth century. The poem illustrates the dilemma of making achoice and decision. In the poem Frost encourages his readers to take the road “lesstraveled by.” This paper analyzes the poem stanza by stanza in light of theexperience of the poet. Readers will understand better the significance of thispoem among the choices the author makes along his life. http://www.paper51.com

Keywords: the road; choice; significance 内容来自www.paper51.com

摘  要


本文对20世纪美国著名诗人Robert Frost 的诗歌《未选择的路》进行了分析。该诗歌阐述了诗人作出选择和决定的困惑,在诗歌中作者鼓励读者要走别人未走过的路。文章主要运用了分层逐步分析的方法,结合诗人自身的经历,让读者了解了这首诗在诗人人生道路上的意义。


关键词:道路;选择;意义 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com



Statement ofauthorship. i


Acknowledgments. ii


Abstract iii paper51.com

摘  要... iv


Contents. v 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

I. Introduction. 1


A. The Backgroundof this Poem.. 1

copyright paper51.com

B. The Informationabout the Poet, Robert Frost 1 copyright paper51.com

II. Analysis of the Poem.. 3 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

A. Some Characteristics of Frost’s Poems. 3


B. Analysis of the Poem Stanza by Stanza. 4


C. This Poem and the Poet’s Experiences. 6 内容来自www.paper51.com

D. The Significance of the Poem.. 7


III. Conclusion. 9 http://www.paper51.com

References. 10


I. Introduction


A. The Background of this Poem

copyright paper51.com

  “The Road NotTaken” was written by the famous American poet Robert Frost in the 20thcentury. This poem impresses readers with its simplicity in language andprofundity in significance. One reason of its popularity is that it evokes similarmemories in readers and makes them reflect deeply on their life. In this poemFrost recalls one of his walks in wood. He sees two roads in front of him, and hemust choose one and leaves out the other. He feels sorry because he can not choosetwo roads at the same time. After considering a while and looking down one asfar as he could,he makes hisdecision. This is the content of the poem. But its deep meaning rests with thewriter’s thoughts on the necessity of choice and the complete difference such achoice will bring. In fact, Frost states a broader moral than the meaning of apath in this poem. The path in the poem has become a symbol for choice. Readersmay encounter similar situations and they will have to make their own choicesin their life. In our life, we always face many roads. When we must makedecision, we must consider a lot. In some degree nobody can judge which one isthe right and which is the wrong one. The problem is that, once we make achoice, and take a road, we cannot come back. When we recall our choice aftermany years, we will know that everything began to change the moment we took theroad. http://www.paper51.com

B. The Information about the Poet,Robert Frost copyright paper51.com
