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    Animals are very important in thelife of human. Whatever in Chinese or English, they will be spoken in humanlanguages. With the human’s society development, animals are given different culturalconnotations. Parts of animals have different cultural connotations for thedifferences of the history, culture, politics, and environment in Chinaand the Western countries.  Someanimals’ names are commendatory words in Chinese, while in western cultures,they are derogatory ones. As animals’ names always appear in different proverbsand phrases if we do not translate accurately according to content, context,culture, environment and so on, the goal language will not pass the informationcorrectly. So it is necessary to divide animals’ names into groups and find outdifferent translation methods according to their different cultural connotations.The thesis discusses the different cultural connotations of animals’ names indifferent cultures and the methods of translating these animals’ names. paper51.com

Key Words: cultural connotation; animals’ names; translation 内容来自www.paper51.com

摘 要


   动物在人类生活当中是不可或缺的,人类的语言都会涉及到动物名称,中文和英文当然也不例外。随着人类社会的发展,动物名开始慢慢地被赋予了不同的文化内涵。但是由于中西方国家在历史、文化、政治以及生活环境方面的差异,部分动物名称被赋予的内在含义也不尽相同。有些动物在中文中是褒义,但在英文中却是贬义的,反之亦然。由于动物名称经常会在不同语言的谚语和习语中出现,如果翻译得不准确,目标语就不能准确贴切的表达意思。因此根据动物的不同文化内涵对动物进行分类是很有必要的,并且找出好的翻译方法也是很重要的。本文讨论了不同文化背景下动物名称的文化内涵及其翻译策略。 paper51.com


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Statement ofAuthorship. i 内容来自www.paper51.com

Acknowledgements. ii 内容来自www.paper51.com

Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………ⅲ http://www.paper51.com

摘要………………………………………………………………………………………….ⅳ 内容来自www.paper51.com

1. Introduction. 1


2. Comparing animals connotations in China and WesternCountry…………………..…2


2.1 Having Completely Same CulturalConnotations…………………………………….2


2.2 Having a Part of the SameCultural Connotations…………………………….. ….. ..3


2.3 Having Completely Defferent Connotations…………………………………………..6

内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

2.3.1 The Same Animals’ Names with Different Connotations. 6 copyright paper51.com

2.3.2 The Different Animals’ Names with the Same Meanings. 8 http://www.paper51.com

3.Method of translation…………………………………………………………………….. .8 http://www.paper51.com

3.1LiteralTranslation. 9 http://www.paper51.com

3.2 Free Translation………………………………………………………………….   11






1.     Introduction copyright paper51.com

Culture connects with translation. Ifpeople do not know culture of certain country, the work of the translation maybe very bad for a passage, an article, a novel etc. During the process of thetranslation, the translator should connect the target language with culture. 内容来自www.paper51.com

Now, more and more translation scholars are interested in therelationship between culture and translation. Translation involves language aswell as culture. A translator should know foreign culture as well as theculture of his own people. Moreover, a translator should make continuouscomparisons between the two cultures because translation equivalence in itsvery sense should be matched in meanings, functions, scopes and feelings in thetwo cultures. (Guo ,2000:1). http://www.paper51.com

According to Gao, it is essential for language learners to master foreignculture with the purpose of translating idioms, sentences or essays moreexactly. 内容来自www.paper51.com

A word could not have true significance unless it isconsidered on the scope of cultural context (Bao,2004:1). From his point, we all know that language and culture cannot bedivided into two parts. So their close links decide that we have to translateunder the cultural context.


    Animals are closely related to the lifeof human beings. They are so important that they even have become aninseparable part of the lives of the Chinese people. As has been mentioned,totems have become what people worship far back at the Remote Ages in Chinesehistory, and in Chinese calendar, the year, the month, the day and the hourshave all been named with 12 symbolic animals, associated with a 12-year cycle.In fact, animals’ names are so frequently used in language that they havealways been culturally connotative. Because of different customs, environments,religions, psychology, politics and economy, the understanding and feelings toanimals terms and the associational meaning and pragmatic meaning aredifferent. We should translate the animals’ names according to the differencebetween Chinaand Western Countries. Sometimes the same animal has the different meaning. Forexample, “bat” means “幸福” in China because its pronounce as “福”. However, it symbolizesbad things in English. In the Year of Dragon, or the Year of Tiger, people willsay “生龙活虎” (doughty as a dragon andlively as a tiger – full of vim and vigor) ; in the Year of Horse, people willsay“马到成功”(gain an immediatevictory), etc. In these collocated sayings, the animal words “龙,虎,马” are used to describewhat they really are, but they are more culturally meant and have become“culture words”. Many animals’ names are so used because animals are first ofall described on what they are by nature, but soon people’s psychologicalworkings and the culture practice to them are added, making them vivid enoughto come to the life of the people. So animal words have not only enrichedChinese and English, but have become an important part of cultures as well. paper51.com
