2.2.1 Fo Tiao Qiang (佛跳墙) http://www.paper51.com Fo Tiao Qiang means even the Buddha,lured by the smell of dish, jumped across the wall for the delicious food. Whenthe pot opened, meat fragrant travels the neighbors, Buddha smell the fragranceand jump across the wall to eat the food. (Buddha doesn’t eat meat in theirrules, but the Buddha smells the fragrance and jump across the wall to eat thefood. So that is a very good dish). We often use ‘literal translation’ as copyright paper51.com Itis said that long, long time ago, there lived a poor scholar in FujianProvince. Living close to a temple, he rent a thatched house in which he studiedinto poems. One day, one of his friends came to visit him and presented himsome sea foods soaked with water. To save time, the poor scholar put the seacucumber, abalone, scallops, shark fin and other seafoods into a wine jar,sealed it and cooked with small fire. He took the lid off in the evening, anddiscovered the excellent smell. The monks who lived in the temple smelled the fragranceand their mouths watered. Disregarding the Buddhist commandments, they jumpover the temple wall at the dead of the night to come to the scholar’s houseand tasted the delicious food. So the scholar wrote the poem: The meat potopens with fragrant smell, Buddhist give up their commandments and jump acrossthe wall because of the inviting fragrance thus the Chinese name “Fo Tiao Qiang”. copyright paper51.com Becauseof the cultural background, it’s difficult to translate this kind of Chinese cookbookinto English. We must study Chinese history and culture, so as to have a betterunderstanding of the cultural background. We must also know the background of Englishculture. So, we can correctly translate the Chinese idioms into English. copyright paper51.com
2.2.2 Da Jiu Jia (大救驾) http://www.paper51.com DaJiu Jia is a snack in Tengchong County,Yunnan. It’s also called Erkuai thatmade from rice flour. The rice-made Erkuai had once saved a hungry emperor inthe Tengchong County. Therefore, we use the allusion to name with Great Savior. http://www.paper51.com
GreatSavior is one of the most famous snacks at Tengchong County in Yunnan province.It is fried with the ham, the egg, the meat, the radish, the tomato and so on.Therefore, it has many ingredients, and Erkuai is strange for someone whohasn’t heard it. Great Savior is simple and interesting by means of freetranslation. copyright paper51.com Itis said the Emperor Yongli of Ming Dynasty was undergone a fugitive. He wasvery hungry when he run away to Tengchong County. A warmhearted peasant fried alot of rice-made Erkuai for him. The Emperor didn’t expect that there was sodelicious food in the world. Having eaten the food, the emperor said Erkuai hadsaved his life. Therefore, “Great Savior ”was adopted as a nickname of ricemade Erkuai in Yunnan’s Tengchong. Soon this name is gradually known for manypeople. copyright paper51.com 2.2.3 Jiao Hua Ji(叫化鸡) 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
JiaoHua Ji is the famous dish in Beijing, which is a very interesting name to becalled Beggar’s Chicken. 内容来自www.paper51.com Beggar’sChicken originally came from in Hang Zhou, Zhejiang province. It is eitherstolen or begged by some poverty-stricken refugees beggar. They covered it withearth and roast it. So it got the name “Jiao Hua Ji” meaning Beggar’s Chicken. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com It is said that Emperor Qian Long worepoor clothes so as to pay an inconspicuous visit in Chang’an. Seeing himsitting in a street corner, a bagger looked him with pity, and gave him achicken. Emperor Qian Long was sleepy and hungry, and he felt this chicken verydelicious. Qian Long anxiously asked what food it is. The beggar embarrassedlysaid that was so called Beggar’s chicken, and boasted it of the rich people’schicken. Qian Long said that the rich people’s chicken is wonderful. Later, thebeggar knew this man was the Emperor. Because the Emperor praised it, thisBeggar’s chicken became well known. paper51.com Thisis a literal translation. The translation is clear and vivid. http://www.paper51.com
2.2.4 other recipe 内容来自www.paper51.com HongShao Shi Zi Tou(红烧狮子头)Stewed Meat Balls with Brown Sauce 内容来自www.paper51.com SanShe Long Hu Hui(三蛇龙虎会)Fricassee Snake and Cat Cuisine copyright paper51.com Thisidiom is translated with the free translation. For instance, Shi Zi Tou doesn’treally mean the lion’s head, besides lion is protected animal, which can’t beeaten. So according to Chinese meaning, we often use literal translation to thedish as Stewed Meat Balls with BrownSauce. Andthe second dish, Dragon and tiger are replaced with snake and cat byreplacement in the translation. “Long” in Chinese culture does not really mean“dragon”, nor does tiger. So the same case is found in Fricassee Snake and Cat Cuisine. Sothe translation of Chinese dish idiom means translating the Chinese foodculture. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 2.3 Translation of idioms of Buddhism http://www.paper51.com Buddhismhas a thousand years of history in China. A process of the development ofBuddhism in China is somehow the process of Buddhism being absorbed by Chinese culture.Buddhism was so well accepted by Chinese. It is not only the characters of open-mindedand all-inclusive of the Chinese, so it has a rich and colorful connotation,which serves a supplement to the Chinese traditional culture. copyright paper51.com Withthe process of localization, Buddhism has been affected in various aspects ofthe Chinese culture and given a deep and tremendous influence. According toincomplete statistics, with a project of Buddhist sutras translated intoChinese, there are over3, 500 foreign words and phrases and idioms that areintroduced into Chinese, and so it has enriched the Chinese language andculture. (田真,2002) http://www.paper51.com 2.3.1 Jiu Ren Yi Ming Sen ZaoQi Ji FuDu(救人一命胜造七级浮屠) copyright paper51.com
Buddhism believes that monk should dogood such as to make to the pagoda, but he is better in rescuing a person’slife than making a seven-story pagoda. Therefore, we often use the literal translationas “Rescuing a person life more thanmaking the seven-story pagoda”. http://www.paper51.com
2.3.2 Liu Geng Qing Jin.(六根清净) copyright paper51.com Sixroots of sensation also are translated into “six sense-organs”. It is aBuddhist term referring to the six organs: eye, ear, nose, tongue, body andmind. According to Buddhism, the purification can develop their unlimited powerand interchange of the functions, as in the case of a Buddha. Buddhism believedthat the six roots once touch dirt and get into the life. Six organs produceobjective fields of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and mind. ( 危东亚,1997) So this idiom is oftentranslated with the literal translation as be pure of six roots ofsensation. 2.3.3 Da Ci Da Bei(大慈大悲) 内容来自www.paper51.com InChinese people eye, Bodhisattva is kindhearted, broad-minded and merciful. Sheis helpful to the other as her responsibility. Da Ci Da Bei is only describedBodhisattva. Therefore, Bodhisattva needs to be adding in this idiom. When theChinese heard this idiom Da Ci Da Bei, they know that it implies Bodhisattva’sinfinitely mercy. So we often use the literal translation and addition. 内容来自www.paper51.com http://www.paper51.com 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com |