1.Introduction There are many addressing forms. Someone is addressed bytitle, by first name, by last name, by nickname, by some combination of these,or by nothing at all. In general, full name and second person pronouns are usedas addressing forms. These two forms are common both in Chinese and Englishaddressing forms. But these two forms vary in different circumstances andsocial backgrounds, such as the particular occasion, social status or rank andso on. Therefore, this is a complex topic. Addressing forms will be analyzedand a comparison in view of different cultures of English and Chinese will bemade. 内容来自www.paper51.com
2.Addressing and their classification in two languages copyright paper51.com Addressing is complex, and it can be classified intodifferent types. The kinds of addressing form of English and Chinese will begenerally compared .The following part will offer a conception of addressingform. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 2.1 The definition of addressing form 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com What is addressing? In modern Chinese dictionary, addressingis explained as “the words expressing the relationships between a speaker andhis/her listeners when the speaker is greeting his/her listeners” (Zhao Yanpingand Li Lianjie, 1996:298). And as regards social psychology, addressing is “thelanguage reflecting some rule about a social group, which expresses the rule ofstatus, and the relationships among people.” In the point ofsemantics, the addressing form about power shows “the aim of communication andindicates the meaning of conversation” (Zhao Yanping and Li Lianjie, 1996:299-309).Addressing is the key in communication, and a proper addressing form to somedegree decides whether the communication goes smoothly or not. 内容来自www.paper51.com 2.2The kinds of addressing form 内容来自www.paper51.com
What is addressing form? According toRonald Wardhaugh (2000:2), addressing form is “the word speakers use todesignate the person they are talking to while they are talking to them.” Thenthe kinds of addressing form are complicated. In Ronald Wardhaugh’s works (2000:3),he classifies addressing form into two kinds, namely, names and second person pronouns.Besides, In Wei Zhiqiang’s works (1999:299) related addressing forms,discussing the kinds of addressing form from semantics, he divides the kinds ofaddressing form into six kinds. The following aspects will be discussed inorder to get better understand differences and similarities of addressing formsbetween Chinese and English languages in a variety of social backgrounds, suchas culture, custom etc. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 2.2.1 Addressing forms on usual occasionbetween two languages http://www.paper51.com By common sense, a person’s name can be called by his first name or bytitle with last name or other forms whether English or Chinese is used. But theconcrete forms are different. copyright paper51.com
2.2.2 Addressing forms about kin terms http://www.paper51.com The similarity about the addressingof kinship paper51.com Thereare many addressing forms about kin terms; such as “mother” and “father” thosewords have degraded into “ma” and “pa”, which are used more commonly in dailylife, especially in the suburban. Besides, the kinship systems are “generation-”and “age-oriented” with addressing terms for both “the paternal and maternalsides” (Bill Hoffmann, 2001:224). And some kinship terms are used as forms of addressing.Example: “uncle” and “brother”, “sister” and so on. These forms are commonabout addressing forms in two languages. 内容来自www.paper51.com The differences about addressingof kinship paper51.com Generation‑ and age‑oriented 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com InChinese there are complex forms of addressing. From origin relationship, bothpaternal and maternal sides have “nine generations” (九族), which refer to senior(长辈)who has four generations,the same generation and junior(晚辈)having four generations. Example:“great great grandfather” (高祖), “great grandfather” (曾祖), “great grandson” (曾孙) and “great great grandson”(玄孙). But in English the forms of addressing relatively are simple. Theaddressing terms expressing three generations of kinship refer to senior, thesame generation and junior. (1) “Great grandfather” is called as “Zeng Zu” (曾祖) in Chinese,it is also addressed as “Lao Yeye”(老爷爷)or “Tai Gong”(太公). In Chinese “brother” is addressed as “Gege” or “Didi”. “Sister”is called as “Jiejie” or “Meimei”. “Uncle” is addressed as “Bobo”(伯伯) or “Shushu”(叔叔). And “aunt” is “Bomu”(伯母) or “Shenshen”(婶婶) (ZhaoYunren,2003:102-108). copyright paper51.com Therefore, we can see thatin English the addressing of kinship emphasizes the generation and ignores theage-oriented. Meanwhile, in daily life people directly call given name eachother usually among children, siblings, friends or even children, parents,senior and teachers. http://www.paper51.com Thenlet’s look at a table 内容来自www.paper51.com 伯父 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
叔父 内容来自www.paper51.com 姑父 http://www.paper51.com
Uncle paper51.com Paternal uncle paper51.com
Father’s brother copyright paper51.com Elder brother paper51.com Younger brother http://www.paper51.com Husband of father’s sister 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 舅父 copyright paper51.com 姨父 copyright paper51.com Maternal uncle http://www.paper51.com Mother’s brother 内容来自www.paper51.com Husband of mother’s sister copyright paper51.com