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Many arguments have been seen in the last decades on thetopic. The focus is the application of translating methods from Chinese intoEnglish, domestication or foreignization. Chinese shows great number ofdifferences from English, either in its vocabulary or grammar, especially inthe Chinese words and sentences that carry Chinese particular cultural messages.Two-parts Allegorical Sayings was one of them. When those words and sentences needtranslating into English, it is not difficult to find that some Englishproverbs mean the same as Chinese Two-parts Allegorical Sayings. The problem isthat should the translator apply foreignization to make English-speaking peopleeasier to understand or take domestication in order to make the marvelousculture in the source language known. This paper trying to make a deep andsystematic study on the translating Two-parts Allegorical Sayings into English,based on the translating methods of domestication and foreignization. 内容来自www.paper51.com

Key words: domestication;foreignization;two-parts allegorical sayings;direct translation;indirect translation


摘 要



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关键词:异化; 归化; 歇后语; 直译; 意译

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Contents http://www.paper51.com

Statement of Authorship. i


Acknowledgements. ii http://www.paper51.com

Abstract iii 内容来自www.paper51.com

摘 要. iv http://www.paper51.com

Contents. iv


1. Introduction. 1 内容来自www.paper51.com

1.1 English translation of “Xiehouyu”. 1 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

1.2 Definitions of Chinese two-part allegorical saying. 1

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2. Review on Domestication and Foreignization. 3 copyright paper51.com

2.1 Definition of domestication and foreignization. 3


2.2 Debates on domestication and foreignization. 3 paper51.com

2.3 Theoretic Basis of Domestication and Foreignization. 4


2.3.1 Theoretic Basis ofDomestication. 4


2.3.2 Theoretic Basis of Foreignization. 5 copyright paper51.com

2.4 Similarities of domestication and foreignization. 6 copyright paper51.com

3. Two-part Allegorical Sayings in Chinese. 6

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3.1 The origin of Two-part Allegorical Sayings. 6 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3.2 Significance of Two-part allegorical saying in Chinese. 7

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3.3 The classification of Two-part Allegorical Sayings. 7

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4. Domestication and Foreignization in the English Translation. 9 内容来自www.paper51.com

4.1 Principles for Translating Chinese Two-Part Allegorical Sayings. 9 http://www.paper51.com

4.2 Factors for adopting domestication and foreignization. 11


4.2.1 Factors for adopting foreignization. 11


4.2.2 Factors for adopting domestication. 11


4.3 Translation of Two-part Allegorical Sayings with sharedinformation in both languages. 12 copyright paper51.com

4.4 Two-Part Allegorical Sayings with Chinese particular culturalcharacters. 14 copyright paper51.com

4.4.1 Two-part allegorical sayings with Chinese particular historicfigures or stories. 15


4.4.2 Two-part Allegorical Sayings with religious awareness and superstitiousbeliefs. 16 copyright paper51.com

4.4.3 Two-Part Allegorical Sayings with Chinese aesthetic thoughtsand living customs and characteristics of localities  17 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

5. Conclusion. 18


References. 19


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1 Introduction


1.1English Translation of “Xiehouyu” 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

JingHuikang and Guo Jnzhong thought Xiehouyu should be translated literally as “restending sayings” or “post pause expressions”. But this was not widely acceptedby translators.

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Accordingto its structure, some translated it as “example explanation sayings”. This isalso seen little in the implement in translation. 内容来自www.paper51.com

ProfessorRohsenow made it as “Chinese enigmatic folk similes”. Guo Jinzhong thinks thatit shows the exact structure and the basic character of Xiehouyu. It is widelyused. paper51.com

Chinese-EnglishDictionary printed by the Business Press defines Xiehouyu as “a Two-parts Allegorical Sayings, of which the first part, alwaysstated, is descriptive, while the second part, sometimes unstated, carries themessage”. Some translators make the “two-part allegorical saying” as thetranslation of Xiehouyu, which the writer the paper prefers.

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1.2Definitions of Chinese Two-part Allegorical Saying


ChineseTwo-parts Allegorical Saying is a particular kind of idiomsoriginated from labor folks. It is the product of Chinese culture. Attracted byits peculiar structure, vivid images and humorous effect, authors in moderntimes are trying to use them, which is the essence of Chinese wit and wisdom.It is also the reflection of the Chinese people’s daily life. For this reason,it is our obligation to study its English translation. Now let us look at some definitionsof Chinese Two-part Allegorical Saying: 内容来自www.paper51.com

ChineseTwo-part Allegorical Saying is the combination of a metaphor and itsexplanation. When it is applied in speech, the explanation is usually omitted.Listener has to think of what the metaphor means. The speaker would explain ifthe listener could not figure out the meaning. In this process, there is aninterval; this is the main reason why we call this saying Chinese Two-partAllegorical Saying.


ChineseTwo-part Allegorical Saying is a kind of riddle applied mainly in spokenlanguage. paper51.com

ChineseTwo-part Allegorical Saying is a kind of riddle with a metaphor applied mainlyin spoken language.

