A:王太太,好久不见,你还是那么年轻,一点也没变。 paper51.com B:哪里哪里,老了,不能和你比了。 copyright paper51.com In Chinese, we also use compliments to encourage others. Thecompliments may happen between people who have several relations, for examplebetween the old and the young, the boss and the underline, the teacher and thestudent, parent and the child. copyright paper51.com 1) 小王,你这幅画真是太棒了,真是后生可畏啊! 内容来自www.paper51.com 2) 同学们, 这次期中考试大家都考的不错,都达到了优秀,希望大家以后更加努力,再接再厉!(胡文仲,杜学增, 1999:141) copyright paper51.com 3.3The effects of Chinese custom on compliment paper51.com Chinesemay say “You have put on weight” to someone who is thin as a compliment, butthey never say “You have lost weight” to those who are fat. In China, peoplethink that losing weight implies someone is ill and he or she should go to thedoctor’s. The Chinese often say, “You look good, you have got such rosy cheeks”to acclaim the others, it makes the Western country people puzzle. On theoccasion they just say “You look good.You've lost weight.” The Chinese do not seefatness as a taboo, because Chinese tradition advocates “fatness” and theyconsider that the fatness takes more felicity. But now, more people aregathering weight in China.Lots of people, especially the female, need to be slim by going on a diet.English-speaking people are afraid of talking about “fat”, because they hatebeing fat. The following conversation is between a Chinese student and anEnglish teacher: 内容来自www.paper51.com
Student: “What hashappened to you? You look like you gained a lot of weight!” Teacher: “That's none ofyour business.” Student: “I was just beinghonest.”(王瑞峰,2006) paper51.com When we are talking withEnglish-speaking people we should avoid saying so. paper51.com
In China we heard some acclaims like “She graduatesfrom Beijing University”, “He is from an rich andwell-known family”, “ Her father is wealthy”. In fact, Americans areunaccustomed to telling the resplendence of the past, and they do not likeother people saying that his individual success depends on his family. They arepuzzled with the compliments like those of China. In China, we oftenhear people talk to a pregnant woman “From your stance of walk, I dare say thatyou will procreate a male-child.” Chinese people, from the ancient to moderntimes, prefer male-child to a girl. This is a consciousness from the old times.The pregnant woman who hears those compliments will mostly have a happy mood.Some of them may say “Many people told me so”. http://www.paper51.com
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