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摘 要




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Contents copyright paper51.com

Statement of Authorship. i copyright paper51.com

Acknowledgements. ii


Abstract iii

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ChineseAbstract iv

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1.Introduction. 1


1.1The Background of the Study. 1

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1.2TheSignificance of the Study. 2

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2.Culture and Idioms. 3 copyright paper51.com

2.1Definition of Culture. 4


2.2Definition of Idiom.. 5

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2.3Relationshipbetween Idioms and Culture. 6 paper51.com

3.Data Collection of the study. 7


4.Discussion. 7 copyright paper51.com

4.1Foods. 7

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4.1.1Staple Food. 8 http://www.paper51.com

4.1.2Meats. 9 http://www.paper51.com

4.1.3Drinks. 11 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

4.2Taste. 12

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4.3Dining Utensils. 13 内容来自www.paper51.com

5.Conclusion. 14


References. 16 内容来自www.paper51.com


1. Introduction

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1.1The Background of the Study paper51.com

Language is one of the unique possessions ofhuman beings.  It is inseparablefrom culture, because it is not only a part of culture, but also records and carriesthe information of culture.  While idioms,as the cream of language, are the unique mirror that strongly reflects variousaspects of culture, involving geography, history, religious belief, custom,living conventions and so on (Li Yuping, 2008).  Diet culturewhich plays an important role in culture is also mirrored strongly and vividlyby idioms.  Among others, both Englishand Chinese idioms convey dietary features and messages of each nation.   Forinstance, some Chinese idioms reflect the diet of Chinese festivals, such as“大寒小寒,吃饺子过年”,“上灯汤圆落地糕”,“吃罢腊八饭,就把年节办” (YinLi and Han Xiaoling, 2007).  However,some English idioms, like “cold turkey”, “talk turkey”, “nest egg”, “thepumpkin has not turned into a coach” (Yin Li and Han Xiaoling, 2007), show thefestival diet of westerners.  Thewords involved in Chinese and English idioms implicate us that “jiao zi”, “tangyuan” and “la ba fan” are traditional foods for Chinese people in festivals,but in the West, turkey, egg and pumpkin are their symbolistic foods.  We can see that there is a closerelationship between idiom and diet custom.

