1.Introduction 1.1Analysis of current English teaching situation in China 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
As far as we know, middleschool teaching attaches more importance to language forms instead of languagecommunicating skills. The teacher mainly explains each grammar point to students,neglecting to develop their communicative competence and the competence toapply language. Teachers spend more time explaining dull and boring grammarrules in order to help the students get a high score in the examination. Thisis a kind of teaching mode that highly respects language forms, but attachesless importance to language communicating skills, which has been enveloped inour country’s English teaching for a long time. Dose communication serve forlanguage or language serve for communication? This paper will take a brief lookat grammar teaching in communicative approach. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com Owing to thetraditional Grammar-focused, teacher-centered and test-based classes in China,English is thought to be something dry and abstract or a subject similar to anyother subjects that the students are learning. What the students need to do inclass is just to concentrate their attention on the teacher’s lecture, whichalways focuses on vocabulary and grammar explanation. As a result, manystudents can not open their mouths to speak English despite having learnedEnglish for several years. 内容来自www.paper51.com Inrecent years, with the alteration of the syllabus and the application of newteaching material, discussion about teaching methods has been carried outwidely. Common ideas have been formed on the renewal of teaching concept totrain the students’ ability of communication. Now in our country, Englishteaching in primary and middle school is undergoing great changes. Many of theteachers have adopted the new teaching methods and have accumulated a lot ofpractical experience. But some of them are still teaching new materials withthe old grammar oriented-teaching mode. This can’t produce good results. It isthe central task at present for teachers to form a new mode of teaching andlearning. http://www.paper51.com
1.2 Teaching is a kind of communication 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com First,we should make it clear that the essence of English teaching andlearning is communication. Communication is defined as exchanging ideas, feelings, andinformation (Longman Dictionary ofContemporary English, 2004).Teaching and learning is the embodiment of communication between theteacher and students. It is a bilateral activity, the result of which is notdecided by a single side but by mutual efforts. So in a sense, Teaching is akind of communication (Wang Xiaolu, 1981). paper51.com Teachingis an activity through which the students acquire linguistic knowledge and formcommunicative competence. Teaching is a kind of communication. Languageacquisition is a dynamic process of the acquirement of the learner’s linguisticand communicative competence (Anderson,1993). The dynamic process of language learning depends, to large extent, onthe involvement of the learners who are thinking and emotional beings andcommunicators instead of knowledge receptacles. We must make the studentsobtain knowledge as much as possible by using communicative language teaching,and reconstruct their knowledge structure. In grammar teaching, educatorsshould steer steady in the right direction, ascertaining that the essence of Englishteaching is communication. We not only master language knowledge, but alsodevelop students’ communicative competence. Communicativecompetence includes grammatical competence( sentence level grammar ),socio-linguistic competence ( an understanding of the social context in whichlanguage is used ), discourse competence( knowledge of how utterances arestrung together to form a meaningful unit ), and strategic competence ( alanguage user’s employment of strategies to make the best use of what she knowsabout how a language works, in order to interpret, express, and negotiatemeaning in a given context )( Hymes, D.H. 1972 ). 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 1.2.1 Definition of communicative language teaching(CLT) paper51.com