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摘 要

美国应用语言学家克拉申的语言输入理论是二语习得研究的重要理论之一。它认为语言习得是通过语言输入来完成的。而老师的最大的职责就是让学生接触到大量的可理解输入。本文通过问卷调查以及访谈的方式了解到背诵对学生学习英语乃至初中英语教学都有着促进作用。 paper51.com

关键词:克拉申;语言输入理论;初中英语教学;背诵 paper51.com

Contents http://www.paper51.com

Acknowledgment i


Abstract ii paper51.com

摘 要... iii

内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

1.Introduction. 1 内容来自www.paper51.com

2.Literature Review.. 2 copyright paper51.com

3.Data Collection. 4 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3.1.Methods and Study Subjects. 4

内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3.1.1.Methods. 4 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3.1.2.Study Subjects. 5 内容来自www.paper51.com

3.2The Implementation of the Survey. 5 http://www.paper51.com

4.Result 5

内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

4.1Survey. 5 http://www.paper51.com

4.2.Interview.. 7 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

5.Analysis. 8

copyright paper51.com

5.1.The Reason of Using Recitation. 8 copyright paper51.com

5.2.The Choice of Reciting Material 9


5.3.The Arrangement of Recitation. 10

copyright paper51.com

6.Conclusion. 12 内容来自www.paper51.com

References. 13


copyright paper51.com


内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

    “GlobalVillage” has been used as a term to refer to the increasingly shorteneddistance among countries. Under such background, language acquisition theoryand teaching methods of the second/foreign language, especially English, havedrawn enormous interest from researchers as well as educators. In Westerncountries, language acquisition theories, with ESL (English as the Second Language)as the research subject, have achieved great development. These achievementsare seen in research areas such as the essence of language, the characteristicsand developing programming of SLA (SecondLanguage Acquisition), and the effective language teaching methods. TheseWestern theories and practices have been influencing China's EFL (English as a ForeignLanguage) teaching. Zhang (2000) points out that the grammar-translationapproach is still widely practiced in Chinese schools, but it has been provento be ineffective for language learning. In recent years, communicativeapproach has been applied to improve language teaching in China. Grammar-translation focuseson teaching grammar, but communicative approach stresses in developinglearners’ communicative competence, and in this way, the grammar will beacquired naturally during communicating. However, Burnadayand Sun (1989) finds that it is not practical to implement communicativeapproach in most parts of Chinadue to limiting elements such as large-scale class, pressure from high-stakeexaminations, and the lack of native-speaking teachers. Fortunately, I haddiscovered in the teaching practice that my associate teacher instructed thestudents to utilize recitation as a way of language input to learn, and thisway of language input worked well. Indeed, “in deciding how to develop languageteaching methods and materials, usually we can take three approaches: make useof second language acquisition theory, make use of applied linguisticsresearch, and make use of ideas and intuition from experience” (http://www.languageimpact.com/articles/rw/krashenbk.htm).This paper tries to integrate recitation, a symbolic way of traditional Chineseteaching, with theory of Input Hypothesis of Krashen,an American linguist, to find an effective way toimprove the students’ English learning. I hope it will give some help tocolleagues who are being engaged in English teaching work. copyright paper51.com
