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Henry Wordsworth Longfellow was apredominant poet in the nineteenth century. However, among his poems, thenovelty of The Song of Hiawathaencountered criticism coming from the critics as well as the readers. Extremely,this poem was labeled to be a “plagiary” which was characterized by the factsthat this poem took the same meter as that of an epic poem, The Kalevala andthis poem borrowed the resource of Algonkin legends presented in Schoolcraft’scollections.

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This paper is areconsideration of the criticism on the novelty of the Song of Hiawatha, in the perspective of Longfellow’s exclusive preferencein choosing imagery in his writing. Specifically, I am attempting to contributean evidence to demonstrate that the Songof Hiawatha is a fruit of re-creation by making a comparison between threecertain images (arrow, song and oak) employed in this poem and


Key words:  Longfellow; criticism; image; novelty; religiousbelief

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朗费罗是十九世纪一位著名的诗人,《海华沙之歌》是他的代表作之一。这部作品的原创性一度受到读者和评论家们的质疑,有过激者甚至指责他“剽窃”,理由是这首诗完全套用了史诗《英雄的国王》的韵律格式,而故事原型则来源于Schoolcraft 有关阿尔根金族人传奇的作品集。 http://www.paper51.com

本文通过对《海华沙之歌》和《箭与歌》(诗人早期的另一作品)中的意象选用进行类比分析,特别是两首诗中“箭”、“歌”、“橡树”三种意象的选用与作者的宗教背景的联系的阐述,基于有关作者与其创作过程中意象选择风格的理论,试图论证《海华沙之歌》是再创作的成果,以此重审那些质疑其原创性的批判。 http://www.paper51.com

关键词: 朗费罗; 批判; 意象;原创性; 宗教信仰


Contents 内容来自www.paper51.com

Statement ofAuthorship. i


Acknowledgments. ii


Abstract iii


摘  要... iv paper51.com

Contents. v


1. Introduction. 1 http://www.paper51.com

2. The Criticismon the Novelty of the Song of Hiawatha. 2 paper51.com

3. A Comparisonbetween the Imageries of the Song of Hiawatha and the Arrow and the Song  3 copyright paper51.com

3.1 The Images Adopted in the Arrowand the Song. 3 copyright paper51.com

3. 2 ASelection of Images in the Song ofHiawatha. 4

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3.3 An Analysis of the Comparison. 6 copyright paper51.com

3. 3. 1 The Denotation of These Three Images. 6 内容来自www.paper51.com

3. 3. 2 The Connotation of TheseThree Images. 7 内容来自www.paper51.com

4. Longfellow’sReligious Belief 7


5. SomeBackground Information of These Two Poems. 8 copyright paper51.com

6. Conclusion. 10 内容来自www.paper51.com

Reference. 12


Endnotes. 13



1. Introduction


HenryWadsworth Longfellow (February 27, 1807 – March 24, 1882) was an Americaneducator and poet whose works include PaulRevere's Ride, The Song of Hiawathaand Evangeline. paper51.com

 Longfellow was born inPortland, Maine, and studied at Bowdoin College. After spending time in Europehe became a professor at Bowdoin and, later, at Harvard College. His firstmajor poetry collections were Voices ofthe Night (1839) and Ballads and OtherPoems (1841). Longfellow retired from teaching in 1854 to focus on hiswriting, living the remainder of his life in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in aformer headquarters of George Washington.

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Longfellowpredominantly wrote lyric poems which were known for their musicality and whichoften presented stories of mythology and legend. He became the most popularAmerican poet of his day and also had success overseas. [1] 内容来自www.paper51.com

The Song of Hiawatha was an 1855 epic poem byHenry Wadsworth Longfellow based on the legends of the Ojibway Indians. Beforeits publication, many book reviewers had shown their interest and made nodisguise for their expectation to this work. Afterwards, the publication turnedout to be a triumph.


However,criticism followed on soon. Some doubted if Longfellow's inspiration to write thisIndian Edda, The Song of Hiawatha,was altogether Indian in its spirit or inception; some criticized the poem forit failed in its attempt to touch a subject of adequate profundity; especiallythere were allegations questioning the originality of this work.


Thispaper is a reconsideration of the criticism on the novelty of 内容来自www.paper51.com

2. The Criticism on the Novelty of the Song of Hiawatha


The Song of Hiawatha suffers from a criticismof “plagiary” for its using the same meter as the Finnish folk-epic,


ThomasConrad Porter, a professor at Franklin and Marshall College, insisted that theinfluence the Finnish poem Kalevala had on TheSong of Hiawatha was not only structural. He claimed The Song of Hiawatha was "Plagiarism" in the 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

More detailed links can be seen in 内容来自www.paper51.com

“In other words,Longfellow took his accounts second- or third-hand from texts that weren’t allthat accurate to begin with and then passed them off to a badly informedaudience as the real thing.”[3]

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Extremely, some criticism even involvedthe work’s audience in, said that only those non-aboriginal critics and readersloved Longfellow’s poem; they tended to take the stories and events at a levelof face value (which is sort of predictable) and were always astound to findmost of the action in the poem was taken (some said plagiarized) from theFinnish epic poem, Kalevala.[4] http://www.paper51.com

3. A Comparison between the Imageries of the Song of Hiawatha and

