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With the rapid development of economization andglobalization, the application of computer becomes more and more extensive. Itis not only involved in economy, politics and military, but involved inscience, education and culture as well. In all of them, the development ofcomputer application in education is rapid particularly. Besides, it becomesthe mainstream of the development of education. 内容来自www.paper51.com

 The paper conducts a survey of the effectof Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) in English teaching in No. 1 MiddleSchool in Yuxi Normal University Secondary School from two main aspects: Whatare the advantages and disadvantages of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) hasin English teaching in Yuxi Normal University Secondary school? 内容来自www.paper51.com

What are the main factors impedingComputer Assisted Instruction (CAI) in English teaching?

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The survey finds that the Computer AssistedInstruction (CAI) in Yuxi Normal University Secondary School is helpful inattracting attention and learning awareness; improving teaching quality andarousing learning interest, developing students’ ability to learnindependently, but it’s not so effective in improving knowledge understandingand promoting communication between teachers and students. The paper alsoanalyzes the main factors affecting the effectiveness of multimedia-assistedEnglish teaching based on three major aspects. They are students’ learning,teacher’s teaching and courseware. A summary of the opinions of teachers aboutmultimedia-assisted English teaching is given in the paper, and somesuggestions of improving the effectiveness of multimedia-assisted Englishteaching are made based on two aspects: teachers themselves and courseware.


Keywords: Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI); Englishteaching; effects; factors paper51.com

摘  要 http://www.paper51.com

随着经济的快速发展和全球化的加速,计算机的应用越来越广泛,它不仅参与经济、政治和军事方面,且参与科学、教育和文化等方面,电脑在教育领域的应用得到迅速的发展,成为教育发展的主流。 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com


内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

关键词:计算机辅助教学(CAI);英语教学; 效果;因素




Statement of Authorship. i 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Acknowledgements. ii paper51.com

Abstract iii


摘  要... v


1. Introduction. 1


1.1The Background of the Study. 1


1.2The Significance of the Study. 3 paper51.com

1.3TheResearch Questions. 3


2. Literature Review.. 4


2.1The Definition of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) 4 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

2.2The Types and Features of Multimedia. 4

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2.2.1Text 5


2.2.2Image. 5

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2.2.3Animation. 5 http://www.paper51.com

2.2.4Voice. 5 copyright paper51.com

2.2.5Video Clips. 6 paper51.com

2.3Multimedia–assisted Teaching. 6 paper51.com

2.4Theories about Learning. 6


2.4.1Computer Assisted Instruction can Improves Students’ Autonomous Learning. 7 内容来自www.paper51.com

2.4.2Computer Assisted Instruction can Improve Students’ Learning Interest 8 copyright paper51.com

2.4.3Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) is Superior to Traditional EnglishTeaching. 10

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3. Research Methodology. 11 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

3.1Subjects. 12

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3.2The Research Instruments. 12


3.3Procedures and Data Collection. 13

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4. Data Analysis. 13 http://www.paper51.com

4.1Data Analysis of Questionnaires. 14 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

5. Discussion. 20


6. Suggestions. 21 内容来自www.paper51.com

6.1Teachers Themselves. 22


6.2Courseware. 23

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6.3The Quality of the Equipment 25


7. Conclusion. 25


References. 27

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Appendices. 28

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1. Introduction


1.1 The Background of the Study http://www.paper51.com

With the rapid development of economizationand globalization, the application of computer becomes more and more extensive.The development of computer application in education is rapid . It becomes themainstream of the development of education. http://www.paper51.com

 U.S.computer educator Bork forecasted that the main learning method for all kindsof disciplines in all types of schools would adopt the interactive learning bycomputer at the beginning of the 21st century (Bork, A, 19790). Nowadays, it comes true. And thedevelopment of modern educational technology promotes the development ofeducational thinking and the concept of education.

内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

At the same time, information technology keepthe same speed with the development of the computer. Internet is playing avital role in English teaching and learning. The use of the Multi-media in Englishclass has become a popular trend. It is well known that Computer AssistedInstruction (CAI) has many advantages, which not only can stimulate students interests but also enhance the enthusiasm ofstudents in English learning. What’s more, it effectively improves educationalqualities of students. However, everything has two sides, andmultimedia-assisted English teaching is not perfect. To make use of ComputerAssisted Instruction in English class still has some disadvantages. Forexample, there are large quantities of materials presented on the screen, andthe content just comes from textbook and so on. As a result, it seems difficultto improve students’ leaning efficiency. So, teachers are required to thinkcarefully and arrange multimedia-assisted English teaching effectively. (Davies,P& E. Pearce, 2002:162). paper51.com

What’s more, as the case of this paper, YuxiNormal University Secondary School is the typical example which applies Computer AssistedInstruction (CAI). As a high school of   using modern educational technologyin Yunnan province, it possesses multimedia classroom, amphitheatre andphonetic classroom to provide the excellent environment for multimedia-assistedEnglish teaching. Besides, each teacher in Yuxi Normal University SecondarySchool is equipped with a computer. They can make good use of the Computer AssistedInstruction (CAI). However, there still exists someproblems in multimedia-assisted English teaching. Consequently, teachers whoapply multimedia-assisted English teaching reflect that it is not as perfect asthey expected to use multimedia in English teaching, what students achieved isless than expected; and the communication between teachers and students is lessthan traditional English teaching. Why do so many problems exist in multimedia-assistedEnglish teaching in Yuxi Normal University Secondary School? In this paper, I wouldtry to investigate the actuality of  application of multimedia in Englishteaching in Yuxi Normal University Secondary School. Then I will give my suggestionsabout what teachers should do in multimedia-assisted English teaching in middleschool to improve the effectiveness of multimedia-assisted English teaching. 内容来自www.paper51.com
