Abstract 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
Teachingtechniques play a very important role in foreign language teaching. Havingmastered quite a few expedient and practical techniques to teach Englishvocabulary, English teachers can teach English with more ease and success. Thispaper, based on the theories of English vocabulary teaching, by means ofmaterial collection and corpus analysis, focuses on the importance ofvocabulary teaching techniques and aims to introduce some useful and practicalvocabulary teaching ways to the teachers. The author hopes that thesetechniques will be useful for them. In addition, it is especially expected thatthis paper can contribute to the junior high school English teachers, and helpthem teach the vocabulary efficiently. 内容来自www.paper51.com This thesisincludes four parts as a whole. It begins with a brief introduction of theresearch. It then goes to the analysis of the importance of English vocabularyteaching techniques in junior high school English teaching. The third partdemonstrates the application of English vocabulary teaching ways with a numberof examples. Finally, the author concludes this paper. 内容来自www.paper51.com
Key words: English teaching; vocabulary teachingtechniques; teachers; students 内容来自www.paper51.com 摘 要 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
词汇教学对外语教学起着举足轻重的重要作用。只有教师掌握了行之有效的教学技巧,英语教学才会更轻松,更成功。本文以英语词汇教学理论为依据,通过材料收集及实例分析,系统地阐述了英语词汇教学技巧,以期提高英语词汇教学的质量。 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 本文主要由四部分构成。第一部分介绍英语词汇教学地位的变迁。第二部分论述英语词汇教学技巧的重要性。第三部分具体分析英语词汇教学技巧,并举例加以说明。第四部分总结全文,提出期望。 内容来自www.paper51.com 关键词:英语教学; 词汇教学技巧;教师;学生 copyright paper51.com Contents 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 独创性声明... i 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
Acknowledgements. ii copyright paper51.com
Abstract iii 内容来自www.paper51.com
摘 要... iv paper51.com 1. Introduction. 1 内容来自www.paper51.com 2. Importance of English vocabulary teachingtechniques. 2 copyright paper51.com 2.1 Vocabulary teaching in junior highschool 2 http://www.paper51.com 2.2 Importance of English vocabularyteaching techniques. 4 http://www.paper51.com 3. Application of English vocabularyteaching techniques. 4 copyright paper51.com 3.1 Phonetic symbols and words. 5 http://www.paper51.com 3.2 Word grouping. 7 copyright paper51.com 3.3 Phrases and idioms. 9 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 3.4 Inferring. 10 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com 4. Conclusion. 13 内容来自www.paper51.com
References. 15 内容来自www.paper51.com http://www.paper51.com 1. Introduction paper51.com Itis known that language teaching includes the teaching of pronunciation,grammar, and vocabulary. Vocabulary teaching has been proved very important andit is the most difficult program in language teaching. In the old days,teachers knew how important the vocabulary was. They knew that students mustlearn thousands of words to speak and write. Nevertheless, they paid littleattention to the teaching of vocabulary. Instead, they paid more attention tothe pronunciation and grammar. They believed that those who master the Englishgrammar could learn English well and when he or she learned words, they couldmaster words quickly without help. Sometimes students were not told they neededto learn many words until they had mastered grammar and the sound system of thelanguage. Furthermore, there were many books about the second languageteaching, but vocabulary teaching was seldom mentioned. As Allen (2002) pointsout, “Pronunciation and grammar were emphasized, but there was little or noemphasis on vocabulary”. “In short, vocabulary has been neglected in Englishteaching programs during much of the twentieth century.” http://www.paper51.com |