3.Research Process 3.1.Researchquestions 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
Based on the above discussion, the research focused on thefollowing research questions. paper51.com 1) What’s the present situation of classroom activitiesconducted in English teaching in junior middle school? paper51.com 2) What kind of teaching design is morepreferable concerning promoting students interests? copyright paper51.com 3.2Research design 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com In order to prove the importance of Instructional Design, Iattended the classes of teachers who come from the No. 4 Junior Middle School. Thetext book they used is Go for it!They teach the same Unit “where’s your pen pal from?” by different InstructionalDesign of class. The content of the unit is to require the students to masterthe countries’ name and they can use “where are you from? Where’s your pen palfrom? Where is she from?” 内容来自www.paper51.com The three teachers who come from the same junior middleschool. The first is Miss Wang, aged24, female, who graduated from Bejing Normal University. She hastaught the students in class 9 and class10 from Junior 2 in Yuxi No.4 middle school for half an year. Thesecond is Mr. He, aged36, who have taught for aslong as 8 years. His students are studying in class 12 and 13. The third isMiss Li, aged 42, who has been a teacher for 12years and teaches the studentsin class14 and class15. copyright paper51.com I choose one class from each of the teachers. The first isclass 10; the second is class 12; the third is class 14. There are 60 studentsin each of the classes, and they are at the same level of English learning. copyright paper51.com I spent two months observing the three classes. Before I attendedthe classes, I interview most of the English teachers in this school and foundout that few of them knew about instructional design. They just use teachingplans to prepare for a lesson. Then I talked with Mr. Zhou and Ms Li aboutinstructional design and encouraged them to use it in their teaching. Miss Wang’slesson went as what she has done before, because I wanted to compare her teachingwith that of the other two teachers. The result may show the difference ofinstructional design and traditional lesson plan. http://www.paper51.com 3.3Observation of the Instructional Design. 内容来自www.paper51.com The first lesson is from the young female teacher, Miss Wang(The class ten of Grade two). Her courseware is blackboard and PowerPoint. Atfirst, she leads –in new class; she plays a song to lead in the lesson. The firststep is that she plays this song and asks student “who can tell me the name ofthis song?”. The student answered “big girl” under a disorder condition.Obviously, the teacher wants the students to say this song’s name and leads inthe content of this unit, but the students can not answer this song’s namecorrectly. Secondly, the teacher requests students to read new words one by oneand asked student to read. Most of students said the words in Chinese. But the teacher’s purpose is to readthe Chinese of countries’ name and request the student to speak English. Thirdly,she uses PowerPoint to show some flags to students and at the same time thename of countries appeared under these flags. She reads it and requests the studentsto follow her and she shows many pictures and asks students “where is it from?” in Chinese. The students answer in Chinese. At lastshe uses 5 –minute to explain that she wants studentsto play a game by using these flags in English. The students could notunderstand the ideas about what the teacher said. http://www.paper51.com The second lesson is from a male teacher, Mir. Zhou(Class12).He uses blackboard to design his class .He also use different ways to leadstudents joining in his class actively. The first step is that he dictates thewords of unit 1 before the new unit. He asked students to look at the picturesof book to guess the Chinese meaning. The second step is that he asks students,one by one, “where’s your pen pal from?” and then add another sentences such as“where is she from?” “Is she from Yuxi? ” “Are you from Yuxi? ” “Where do youcome from?” And he writes most of the sentences on the blackboard. copyright paper51.com Where are you from? Where do you come from? http://www.paper51.com
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