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1.     Introduction············································································································· 1 http://www.paper51.com

2.     Literature Review··································································································· 2


2.1 Definition of Translation························································································ 2 内容来自www.paper51.com

2.2 Related Theories·································································································· 2 内容来自www.paper51.com

3.     Research Questions································································································ 3

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4.     Research Methodology·························································································· 4


4.1 Subjects·············································································································· 4

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4.2 Research Instruments··························································································· 4 内容来自www.paper51.com

4.3 Questionnaires····································································································· 5


4.3.1 Questionnaires forTeachers········································································ 5

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4.3.2 Questionnaires forStudents········································································· 6


5.     Data Analysis and Findings···················································································· 6

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5.1 Figure Analysis····································································································· 6


5.2 Data analysis from Questionnaires········································································ 8


5.2.1 From Teachers···························································································· 8 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

5.2.2 From Students···························································································· 9 copyright paper51.com

   5.3 Findings············································································································· 11

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      5.3.1Summary of the Findings··········································································· 11 内容来自www.paper51.com

      5.3.2Suggestions in Translations Teaching·························································· 11 内容来自www.paper51.com Suggestions in Vocabulary Teaching·················································· 12

http://www.paper51.com Suggestions in Writing Teaching························································ 14 内容来自www.paper51.com

6.     Conclusion············································································································· 16 http://www.paper51.com

References·················································································································· 18


Appendices·················································································································· 19


1.    Introduction paper51.com

Withthe Reform of Junior High English Course Curriculum, our teaching materials andmethodologies are becoming more and more diverse. But at the same time, somequestions remain unanswered. Some students who have been learning English fortwo to three years can hardly express accurately what they want to say (WeiGuoyun 2004:59). Some students can not use what they have learnt in Englishclass, nor can they write a composition fluently. As for these problems, thereare many reasons. First, translation skill isn’t covered in the NationalEnglish Curriculum for Nine-year Compulsory Education. National EnglishCurriculum for Nine-year Compulsory Education puts forward the specific content standard:language knowledge, language skills, learning strategies, affect and culture. Itdoesn’t mention the skill of translation. Besides, English teachers neglecttranslation in English teaching. They always stress the four basic skills “listening,speaking, reading and writing”. At last, there are no translation exercises inthe text books. Take Go For It as an example. paper51.com

   According to Chen Qing, translation can help learners acquire andremember the meaning of words, use the words, contribute to the development oftheir communicative competence, and provide context in vocabulary learning.Translation exercises are always ignored by English teachers in middle school.In fact, doing some translation exercises is an effective way for Englishteachers to train and improve students’ writing ability and comprehensivelanguage ability. It is a direct and common means of training. With thedeepening and promotion of English courses reform, English teachers may realizethat translation exercises are useful. It is worth paying more attention. Theauthor believes that teachers should combine translation exercises with otherlanguage skills training in their daily teaching. In this way the students’translation capability can be developed. At the same time, their grammar can beconsolidated. paper51.com

Inthis paper, the author aims at analyzing the importance of designing propertranslation exercises. In addition, the author tries to give some suggestionsfor how to design proper translation exercises to improve English learning.Also, in order to check students’ translation ability and English learning situationat present, some students are required to do some questionnaires which may beuseful for the research. 内容来自www.paper51.com

2      Literature Review 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

2.1  Definition of Translation

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“Translationis the replacement of textual material in one language (Source Language) byequivalent textual material in another language (Target Language)” (Huang Long,1988:01). http://www.paper51.com

Translationis an action which transforms and conveys A’s information to B smoothly andaccurately. In this paper, translation exercises refer to Chinese-Englishtranslation exercises and English-Chinese exercises which are based on Englishclass teaching.


2.2 RelatedTheory


Doingtranslation exercises to organize English teaching is a good way. Wang Mengsaid that foreign language and native language are not contradictory, butmutually complement each other. Only comparing native and foreign language, onecan really know all the shortcomings of his own mother tongue, and getinspiration from the comparison of association. It can also serve for expandingand deepening native speakers to understand two languages (Wu Yong, 2007). Sotranslation exercises are important. English is also a skill that must beacquired through practice of translation. paper51.com

Professor Chen Ying in Xiamen Foreign Language Collegesaid, “Teachers are always waiting for students making a great progress. Theywish students think directly in English, but they do not realize that they missthe opportunity of digging students’ potentiality, motivating students’thinking. Translation can help learners in acquiring word and remembering themeaning of words, in using the words, to contribute to the development of theircommunicative and competence, and to provide context in vocabulary learning”(Chen Qian, 2002:51). According to Wei Guodong, translation is an effective wayto develop and improve English (Wei Guoyun, 2004). copyright paper51.com

Theessence of translation is to transfer A’s meaning to B. So, translation, anintegrated and practical ability, should not be ignored in English teaching. Listening,speaking, reading, writing and translating, five skills can not be isolated.(Zhu Liyuan 1997). At the same time, translation runs through other four skills(Jiang Bing, 2004). So, designing proper translation exercises is a good way toimprove students’ English. copyright paper51.com

Inthe study, the author mainly concentrates on the situation of designingtranslation exercises and the importance and functions of translation exercisesin middle school, especially for vocabulary learning and writing learning. copyright paper51.com
