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    大营街----Dayingjie Street                    凤凰路----Fenghuang Road

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3.3 The translation oforganization and unit

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   3.3.1The translation of some governmental offices and non-governmental organizations 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

(1) The organizationincludes government offices, social units (such as factories, shops, hospitals,schools and companies) and non-governmental organizations (such as associationsand assemblies). The state councils include 委( commission), 部(ministry), 司(department), 局(bureau), 处(division), 所( institute), 科( section), 中心( centre), 室(office) and so forth. Some of these with traditional abbreviative title,for example, 国家教委(国家教育委员会)。(董金伟. 2004:36.) When they are translated into English, the fulltitle should be used. e.g.

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    国家计委----the State Planning Commission

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外交部----the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 内容来自www.paper51.com

新闻部----the Information Department http://www.paper51.com

行政处----the Division of Administration http://www.paper51.com

办公室----the General Office


财务科----the Financial Section copyright paper51.com

信息中心----the Information Centre 内容来自www.paper51.com

(2)The local governmentorganizations include the units of province, district, county and other ones.There are 委( commission), 厅( department), 公司(company),.The translation adopts the method of literal translation. e.g. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

省教委----the Provincial Education Commission


省民政厅----the Provincial Department Of CivilAdministration


市保险公司----the Municipal Insurance Company


(3)The social unitsinclude factory, shop, company, college and publishing house and so on. Thetranslation adopts the method of literal translation. E.g.


云南大学出版社----Yunnan University Publishing House paper51.com

昆明钢铁公司----Kunming Iron and Steel Company


某市师范学院----Yuxi teachers’ College paper51.com

某市印刷厂----Yuxi Printing Factory

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(4)The translation of theprofessional and non-governmental organization uses the method of literaltranslation. E.g. 内容来自www.paper51.com

市消费者协会----the Municipal Consumers’ Association


市集邮协会----the Municipal Philately Association


省作家协会-----the Provincial Writers’ Association 内容来自www.paper51.com
