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   I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud is based on recollection of theUllswater scene described by Dorothy Wordsworth, William Wordsworth’s sister,in April 1802. At that time, Dorothy, William and their friends went for a walkalong the river. Then they saw a few daffodils close to the waterside, whenthey went along there were more and more, and at last, they saw a long belt ofdaffodils along the shore, “they looked so gay, ever glancing, ever changing.There was here and there a little knot, and a few stragglers a few yards higherup; but they were so few as not to disturb the simplicity, unity and life ofthat one busy highway  ”.⑾ Then when returning home, Dorothy recorded this scene in her journal,while Wordsworth recollected the same scene in tranquility and wrote this poema full two years afterwards. Therefore, it is clear that the raw matter of thispoem is just a large bed of wild daffodils beside a lake, agitated by a strong,cold spring wind. And it is the very thing Wordsworth is interested, a verycommonplace scene in human life.


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C. The Same Language Form and WritingStyle


    Wordsworth holds the ideathat poetry should use language in a selection of language really used by men.⒀ IWandered Lonely as a cloud is written throughout in plain languageemployed by ordinary people in their daily life, thus makes his poem easy tounderstand. This is also in accordance with his own poetic beliefs—to bring hislanguage near to the real language of men. For example, in this poem, he uses“a crow, a host, of golden  daffodils” to show the large amount of the daffodils. “Continuous as the stars thatshine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line”. Thissentence is to demonstrate the continuous and lovely of the daffodils.


   The Solitary Reaper also usesplain words to describe the lonely reaper. The author repeats these words“solitary”, “single”, “by herself” to prove the loneliness of the woman. Next,he writes” No Nightingale did ever chaunt More welcome notes; A voice sothrilling ne’erwas heard In springtime from the Cuckoo bird ” . From thesesentences we can realize how pleasant to our ears the women’s singing is. Thesesimple words may be more useful than those difficult ones. 内容来自www.paper51.com

     In termsof the writing style, both these two poems are writtenbasically in iambic tetrameter. IWandered Lonely as a Cloud isdivided into four stanzas with the rhyme scheme as: ababcc for each stanza. Tobe more specific, in each stanza, there are three rhyming couplets: the firstline and the third line, the second line and the fourth line, and the last twolines, thus making the poem goes smoothly, harmoniously and rhythmically. For example, the rhymingwords in the first stanza are “cloud”, “hills”, “crowd”,“ daffodils”, “trees”, “andbreezes”.

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    The situation isthe same in The Solitary Reaper exceptanother two rhyming lines are added to form an ababccdd rhyme scheme. Forexample, the rhyming words in the second stanza are“chaunt”,“bands”,“haunt”,“sands”,“heard”,“bird”,“seas”,“Hebrides”. 内容来自www.paper51.com

     Anothersimilarity that these two poems have is to stress by writing from the otherside. For example, in I Wandered Lonelyas a cloud, the author writes: “Continuous as the stars that shine Andtwinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line”.⒁The whole poem is writing about the daffodils, but the authordescribes the stars. Here, the author wants to tell us that the daffodils arecontinuous and beautiful. copyright paper51.com

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