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2. Analysis of present situation of spoken English teaching copyright paper51.com

2.1 Analysis of syllabuses for English language in secondaryschool


Basedon the new syllabuses for secondary school, the total objective of new Englishcourse is to improve students’ comprehensive ability to use language flexibly.We can divide this capability to use English into several aspects: to think andto communicate, to acquire, develop and apply knowledge, to solve problems, tostudy automatically. The capability is based on language skill, languageknowledge, feeling and attitude, learning strategy, cultural sense and so on,language knowledge and language skill are the foundation; cultural sense isguide to use English properly, feeling and attitude are the major factors whichmay affect students’ learning directly; learning strategy is the guarantee,which can improve learning efficiency and can develop the ability to learn astronomically.The syllabus is created on the basis of the analysis of Chinese Englishteaching and presents new century need of reforming   teaching and the need of societydevelopment. Compared with the standards for English language before, it iscreative and well –developed. copyright paper51.com

2.2 Shortcomings of spoken English teaching in secondaryschool


(1)Teachers still remain an authority and a controller. Although student –centered is put forwarded by educators, traditional teaching system and habitcan’t centralize the learner. The students are passive to follow the teacher’steaching procedure in studying. What is worse, while studying the dialogue,learners are ordered to read after the teacher sentence by sentence.


(2)The professional competence, especially the spoken language competence of theteacher is not so perfect. Most of teachers hold this view on spoken languageis that mastering English to communicate will waste time. What is a worse,certain teacher can not teach the student correct intonation, tones and stress.A Few of them are not able to teach learners in English fluently, which will doharm to fostering students’ listening and speaking skill.

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(3)The number of student in a classroom is so large. Every student wants toacquire target language in each unit; they have to make a great deal ofpractice. Bygate(1961 )points out “one “fundamental difference is that both canbe understood and memorized but a skill can be imitated an practiced”. But, on average,there are 65 students in each class (the number comes from Tonghai No.9 middle school.I have my teaching practice there.) which makes it difficult for the teacher toorganize oral practice activities. So students will lose the opportunity to practicespoken English, which can impose a bad influence on the improvement of oralEnglish.


(4)The building of communication situation is not so ideal; Most of the juniorstudents don’t communicate with each other in English. However, their capabilityto apply spoken language should be implemented through the authentic situationor context, and learners also vary the linguistic forms they use in avoidancewith the situational context. In this respect, learners are no different fromnative speakers (Rod Ellis: 20) the communicative activity and situations areoften ignored by the teacher.


(5)The learning strategy of students is neglected by the teacher. Learningstrategies are the particular approaches or techniques that learners employ tolearn an L2 (Rod Ellis: 76-77) points out that successful learners use more strategiesthan unsuccessful learners. But in a fact, very few of the teachers pay moreattention to the speakers’ communicative strategies. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com
