1.2 TheSignificance of the Study Theapplication and ubiquity of computer is changing the life style and mind of newgenerations. And the combination of multimedia coursewares with English classis the key trend in the junior middle schools. But there are stillcontroversies over it. Some teachers think the application of multimediacoursewares caters to students’ curiosity at the price of teaching efficiency.They hold that the application is a kind of “lazy” teaching method. They pointout that some teachers only pay attention to the forms in teaching, such aspictures and short films so that students get nothing after a dazzling class.On the contrary, other teachers hold that using the multimedia courseware helpsstudents to understand and makes them pay more attention to new knowledge. Theybelieve the multimedia courseware makes it easier to involve students inlearning. This paper is to investigate in what way multimedia coursewares willinfluence the junior students’ learning process. Having a view on itsapplication will provide suggestions for teachers on making good coursewares.Also this paper is to help teachers take the most of its advantages and avoiddisruption of lessons so that the multimedia courseware can facilitate learningand teaching. 内容来自www.paper51.com 1.3 The Scopeof the Study 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com Coursewareis a term that combines the words “course” with “software”. It was originallyused to describe additional educational material using as kits for teachers or trainersor as tutorials for students, usually packaged for use with a computer (Net.1).Now some companies are developing coursewares that can be used online. Somecoursewares can create “computer formatted” classroom. Based on the purpose ofthis paper, the multimedia courseware refers to the kind that does not dependon the Internet, which is made by teachers in person. Considering the limit ofspace, the study mainly investigates the impact of multimedia coursewares onthe junior middle school students. 内容来自www.paper51.com |