4. Strategies of Improving Introverted Students’ OralEnglish. copyright paper51.com Above, we have known that introvertedstudents have advantagefor their English learning and disadvantagesfor their oral English. How to solve the problems and improve introverted middlestudents’ oral English? Some strategies are given in the following. 内容来自www.paper51.com 4.1Building up a HarmoniousTeacher-Student Relationship paper51.com Teacher-student relationship affectsjunior English teaching and learning. As the teacher and the student are twomain sides of contradiction, their relationship is important during teachingand learning. A beneficial student-teacher relationship should be honesty,sincerity, mutual consideration and respect, independence, reliance, andaccommodation of the other's needs. Students and teachers should respect eachother and collaborate as equals. In this kind of relationship, thestudent-teacher interactions are harmonious and happy. paper51.com Teachers play an important role in building up a harmoniousteacher-student relationship. First of all, teachers should change theirconcepts for introverted students. Theycan not have any prejudice for the introverted students. And they should see that extroverts have advantagesin the basic skills of communication and introverts may be more skillful inreading comprehension, translation, and writing. Teachersshould pay much more attention to introvertedstudents. And they shouldn’t make introverts feel that teachers do not payattention to them and do not love and respect, treatthem properly. We advocate that teachers andstudents should respect each other. Their statuses are fair. So no matter whatthe teacher or student he is, he should possess more democracy and equality,studying to respect and trust others. They should possess more toleration,studying to comprehend and be kind to others. Teaches should getto know their introverted students individually, to probe the innermost depthsof their hearts as well as examining the outer details of their lives. Teachers should try to understand the inner world of introverted students,feel their feelings, imagine themselves to be in a student’s position, and havea share in their sentiment. At the same time, teachers are expected to exchangeideas with introverted students and make them understand teachers. copyright paper51.com |