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2.3.Characteristics of syntax and style2.3.1 Tag questions


  Women often use tag questions andexpressions of hesitation. When talking, women may use words and expressionssuch as ah, well, um-m-m, I think, and you know. copyright paper51.com

ZengWenxiong (2000) points out that women often put tag question after statements.For example:


   They caught the robber last week,didn’t they?


Meanwhile, Deng Li (2004) also points outthat women usually say, “This is better, isn’t it?” and “this is better.” isless common. paper51.com

2.3.2 Multiple negations copyright paper51.com

In England, multiple negations are knownas an express of informality. And multiple negations are used by the low socialclass and less educated. Women rarely use multiple negations, they have to usea correct and better language to indicate they are well upbringing and well educated.From the investigation, it’s not difficult to see the less frequent use ofmultiple negations by women than that by men. That is to say, a sentence suchas “I don’t want none” is seldom used by women. paper51.com

2.3.3 Fondness of using cordial and casual style 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

Femalesare partiality for cordial and casual style; one form of such a style is theuse of personal pronouns. Women like to use pronouns related to the other sidesuch as you, your, and we rather than pronouns such as one. Some advertisementsof women’s articles often use some words which sound cordial and easilyacceptable to cater to the characteristics of female language. The personalpronouns “you” and “your” are used instead of indefinite pronouns “one” and“ones”.

