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3.1.1 Comprehensive Applicationof Target Language

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Most students begin their English study in upper elementaryschools. When they are in junior schools, they have little knowledge andability to comprehend the simple target language. As the good English teachersin junior schools, they help their students not only with competence but alsowith performance. When they are designing speaking classes, they integratelanguage function and language form. The good teachers do not encouragestudents to use only one kind of language, or it is not good for cultivatingtheir ability to apply the target language comprehensively. For example, to teachthe language function: giving advice and making suggestion, considering thestudents’ current cognition level, the teachers give four tasks to the gradenine students. 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

①Give some advice to a new student whois going to study in your school for three years.


②Imagine that you are a psychologicalcounselor and give some advice to these students who have much press of study. http://www.paper51.com

③Give some advice to a student who isgoing to study in American for one year. http://www.paper51.com

④Give some suggestion to the studentswho are preparing for the high school entrance exams. 内容来自www.paper51.com

During the period of doing these tasks, the students not onlypractice the language function, but also think about something about their reallives. http://www.paper51.com

3.1. 2 AdequateInput


According to Rod Ellis’ computational model of secondlanguage acquisition, “the learner is exposed to input, which is processed intwo stages. First, parts of it are attended to and taken into memory. These arereferred to as intake. Secondly, some of the intake is stored in long-termmemory as L2 knowledge. The processes responsible for creating intake and L2knowledge occur within the ‘black box’ of the learner’s mind where thelearner’s interlanguage is constructured. Finally, L2 knowledge is used by thelearner to produce spoken and written output’’(RodEllis, 2000:35). 内容来自论文无忧网 www.paper51.com

In the 1960s an American linguist, S.D. Krashen,put forward his second language acquisition theory, which drew worldwideattention in the field of language teaching. His famous theory includes fivehypotheses: input, acquisition, monitor, natural order and affective filler. http://www.paper51.com

The Input Hypothesis expounds that the only way to acquirenative language or second language is to understand message or receivecomprehensive input. In Krashsen words, language isacquired through language input (Krashen, 1985). paper51.com
