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3.2 ResearchInstruments

Theinstruments employed in the present study are a self-designed questionnaire onpronunciation learning attitude and problems. A test of English pronunciationis also provided. Below are brief descriptions of each instrument.


First,in the questionnaire, there are 10 questions concerning their attitudes onstatus of pronunciation in English learning, foreign accent. Meanwhile, thereare other 10 questions concerning their problems in English learning. One openquestion is listed at last. Besides, the questionnaire also collects thepersonal information of the subjects, including name, gender, age, years oflearning English, 55 questionnaires are handed out and 41 are called back. The structureof the questionnaire is presented in Appendix I.


Second,the investigator randomly chooses 20 students out of questionnaire subjects andrecords their audio materials in a language lab. The subjects are recorded in aquiet lab in ForeignLanguage School of Yuxi Normal University. They are given three minutes to prepare and read thematerial. The subjects’ production is recorded in MP3, and the audio materials arestored in a USB mobile drive.


4. Data Collection and Data Analysis


Thereare three phases in the research. The first phase is a questionnaire which isdesigned to investigate first-year students’ attitudes to learning Englishpronunciation and their pronunciation problems. It is the prerequisite of the othertwo phases. The questionnaires were distributed to the students on Mar. 26th,2009. All the subjects received the same instructions as to how to fill out theworksheet. Some students did not give complete responses and were excluded fromthe final analysis. The questionnaire responses of 41 subjects were thenscanned into the computer and crosschecked for accuracy. Then, the subjectstook part in the test of pronunciation. http://www.paper51.com

Thesecond step is collecting and evaluating audio materials, which is the core of thewhole research. Firstly, the investigator randomly chooses 20 students out of questionnairesubjects. Secondly, the investigator records their audio materials in an experimentallanguage lab. The last phase is calculating and analyzing data, which is thekey part of the whole research and basis of writing the thesis. 内容来自www.paper51.com
