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Maslowbelieves that human beings will engender a higher level of need when basic needis satisfied. The need will form as a pagoda from low to high until it reachesthe top of need level. The basic need of human beings is physiological need. Nextis psychological need, it includes safety need, belongingness and love need,esteem need and self-actualization need. Only when these basic things aresatisfied that human beings will engender need for cognition. When we are doinggroup work in large class, it will increase students’ self-respect andself-confidence (张斌, 1999), reduce anxiety and establish harmonious humanrelationships. Then, students will feel the happiness of successful learning,and participate in new learning. 


Groupwork has other advantages. A well-planned group work not only helps students todevelop language and communication skills but also give the studentsopportunities to experience cooperated learning. Group work makes it easier forstudents to be involved in various classroom activities. Group work also turnsthe competition between individual students into the race of different groups.


4. Disadvantages http://www.paper51.com

Group work also has some disadvantages. http://www.paper51.com

4.1. Notdeveloping in full scale


Latane,social psychologist, found “diffusion of responsibility” through doing manyresearches (宋东清, 2003). Diffusion of responsibility means that someonedisperses responsibility to others, and then the responsibility of oneself isreducing. If others do not do anything, he or she will think that there is noneed for him or her to do something (林立,王之江, 2005). When I was doing my teachingpractice, I found that some students did not like speaking when they did groupwork and some students used to talk and to control the whole group. Thesestudents always answered my questions. It may help them in their languagelearning in this way. But those who did not participate in group work wouldprobably gain little. As a result, students cannot be developed in full scale.


4.2. Evaluation’ssubjective and unilateral paper51.com

Forgroup work, the result of learning belongs to the group, not to individuals.Therefore, teachers’ evaluation is just for the whole group, not forindividual. Some teachers just pay attention to the result of learning and theideas of good students. They do not care the process of group work. It dampensother students’ enthusiasm. Some teachers are easily influenced by emotion whenthey make evaluation. When they feel good, they will encourage students, butwhen they feel bad, perhaps, they will not encourage students. Consequently,teachers’ evaluation is subjective and unilateral. It restricts students andteachers’ common development in certain level.

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